unwanted weight


New member
I am new here and I have been posting like crazy because I never talk to people about my CF and the few people that I know with it are "sick." I have read about so many healthy people here, it's great!
Anyway - what I'd like to know is about weight. I am actually a little overweight (in my opinion anyway), and I'd like to skim about 10 lbs off the bum and tummy. I don't take any nutritional supplements, nor am I diabetic, so this is all late 20's spread. Every time I go to the clinic and complain about my weight they scoff at me, like how could I want to lose weight when so many people can't keep it on? But I have never had a problem gaining weight and now I just can't get it off! Does anyone else put on weight easily?


New member
Don't be too hard on your weight - if you do catch a bad bug, that extra will come in very handy.
I won't say I gain weight easy, but when I do, it seems to go the places I least want it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I try to target my belly with stair climbing and crunches. I figure that way I can exchange 'fat' for 'muscle' weight while toning the target spots.


New member
Now my daughter is only two years old, but she is not thin by any means. She actually looks a little chubby. This may sound terrible but here goes.....when I found out she had CF I thought in my mind that atleast she won't have to worry about being overweight! (Obesity runs in my family) But on this forum I have seen other posts where people mention that they are not thin at all, maybe even a little over weight. So I don't think its uncommon in CF to be perfect weight or a little heavier. Like the previous poster said, this could be a good thing when you get sick.

Take Care,
Lynsey-Mom to Avery w/CF and Rhett


New member
wanderlost, I know exactly what you are talking about. I have never had a problem with weight either, being 5'10'' and 145 pounds. I was always worried about losing weight, however, since every time I dropped a few pounds the nutritionist would come to see me and request that I gain it back again, using all sorts of scare tactics. Finally, this summer I had enough and started really working out and eating well, and ended up losing about 10 pounds in the last month, along with a huge boost in energy. And what happened the next time I went to the hospital? The doctor actually told me "good job" and I didn't even meet with the nutritionist at all. As long as you are losing weight for the right reasons, and not starving yourself, it is probably healthier for you to lose those 10 pounds than to keep them in fear of what might happen.


New member
The above reply was mine, by the way. I have only been on here a few times, but would be interested in meeting new people that also have CF, specifically those who are about my age (18) and are going to college.


New member
I don't see the nutritionist either and haven't since I was about 12 - though they pop in once in a while just to be in compliance with the CF foundation guidelines (and I have a whole other bi**h about that). The last time I saw her, she did actually give me some hints for losing weight, but it was like it was all top secret and she shouldn't really be telling me. I don't plan on getting sick since I never have been and would like to keep it that way, so I see no need for this extra cushioning.