update from my 2months check up.

Hello I hope everyone have a good easter<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Now till my update from my 2month check up.

Thanks Marjolein for updating this site again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Even if Marjolein has write about it i will do a update anyway.

Thanks to everyone who have been thinking of me. Guess it was one of the reson why my check up went so well <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">.

The first day i did blood tests,x-ray and lungfunctions test and met the doctor. Next day i did the bronc test.

The first x-ray was fine no more fluid anymore, i did the lungfunctions test 3 diffrent blow tests and i pass 2 of them, the third one i was blowing to bad . My fvc was 1,57 and fev1 was 1,25 if i remeber right hehe. it was pretty good anyway for me. The blood tests has i not get the answer at yet but hopefully they are ok.

My bronc test went fine and the lungs looked good. After i was really really tired and dizzy (maybe to much sleep meds hehe) I woke up at the tx ward again with oxygen but only at 1/2 liter and after some hours i could take it away yay . My oxygen sats was 99% really record for me wow .<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

The Second x-ray(after the bronc test) didn´t look as good as the first one but anyway i think it was ok because my doctor did not say anything about it.

I going to know if i need to countine with the fungus meds or not when i get the culture back from the bronc test that they took.
My stomach problem maybe are because the prograf medicine are to high,i going to take new blood tests next week.

Hello I hope everyone have a good easter<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Now till my update from my 2month check up.

Thanks Marjolein for updating this site again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Even if Marjolein has write about it i will do a update anyway.

Thanks to everyone who have been thinking of me. Guess it was one of the reson why my check up went so well <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">.

The first day i did blood tests,x-ray and lungfunctions test and met the doctor. Next day i did the bronc test.

The first x-ray was fine no more fluid anymore, i did the lungfunctions test 3 diffrent blow tests and i pass 2 of them, the third one i was blowing to bad . My fvc was 1,57 and fev1 was 1,25 if i remeber right hehe. it was pretty good anyway for me. The blood tests has i not get the answer at yet but hopefully they are ok.

My bronc test went fine and the lungs looked good. After i was really really tired and dizzy (maybe to much sleep meds hehe) I woke up at the tx ward again with oxygen but only at 1/2 liter and after some hours i could take it away yay . My oxygen sats was 99% really record for me wow .<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

The Second x-ray(after the bronc test) didn´t look as good as the first one but anyway i think it was ok because my doctor did not say anything about it.

I going to know if i need to countine with the fungus meds or not when i get the culture back from the bronc test that they took.
My stomach problem maybe are because the prograf medicine are to high,i going to take new blood tests next week.

Hello I hope everyone have a good easter<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Now till my update from my 2month check up.

Thanks Marjolein for updating this site again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Even if Marjolein has write about it i will do a update anyway.

Thanks to everyone who have been thinking of me. Guess it was one of the reson why my check up went so well <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">.

The first day i did blood tests,x-ray and lungfunctions test and met the doctor. Next day i did the bronc test.

The first x-ray was fine no more fluid anymore, i did the lungfunctions test 3 diffrent blow tests and i pass 2 of them, the third one i was blowing to bad . My fvc was 1,57 and fev1 was 1,25 if i remeber right hehe. it was pretty good anyway for me. The blood tests has i not get the answer at yet but hopefully they are ok.

My bronc test went fine and the lungs looked good. After i was really really tired and dizzy (maybe to much sleep meds hehe) I woke up at the tx ward again with oxygen but only at 1/2 liter and after some hours i could take it away yay . My oxygen sats was 99% really record for me wow .<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

The Second x-ray(after the bronc test) didn´t look as good as the first one but anyway i think it was ok because my doctor did not say anything about it.

I going to know if i need to countine with the fungus meds or not when i get the culture back from the bronc test that they took.
My stomach problem maybe are because the prograf medicine are to high,i going to take new blood tests next week.



New member
i'm glad things went well, marie. sorry i haven't been able to chat with you this week--i've been so busy getting ready for my trip!

talk soon. hugs.


New member
i'm glad things went well, marie. sorry i haven't been able to chat with you this week--i've been so busy getting ready for my trip!

talk soon. hugs.


New member
i'm glad things went well, marie. sorry i haven't been able to chat with you this week--i've been so busy getting ready for my trip!

talk soon. hugs.