update on baby


New member
Hey everyone.talked to someone today. since im 33 weeks and ive had four steriod shots, and the fact im so small and i have cf. next week or the week after they want to do a amniocentesis. Im really scared ive never had it done before. They are checking to see if lucas's lungs are mature and if they are they want to deliver him. hehe i might have a baby within the next two weeks im so excited.

well ill keep you posted MWAH to you all <3

ps here is a new pic i sure hope it actually work.
they are links i havnt figured out how to put HTML tags onhere X_X everytime i try they fail
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h148/Sareea696/HPIM0876.jpg">http://i63.photobucket.com/alb...Sareea696/HPIM0876.jpg</a>

hope you like mwah!


New member
Hey everyone.talked to someone today. since im 33 weeks and ive had four steriod shots, and the fact im so small and i have cf. next week or the week after they want to do a amniocentesis. Im really scared ive never had it done before. They are checking to see if lucas's lungs are mature and if they are they want to deliver him. hehe i might have a baby within the next two weeks im so excited.

well ill keep you posted MWAH to you all <3

ps here is a new pic i sure hope it actually work.
they are links i havnt figured out how to put HTML tags onhere X_X everytime i try they fail
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h148/Sareea696/HPIM0876.jpg">http://i63.photobucket.com/alb...Sareea696/HPIM0876.jpg</a>

hope you like mwah!


New member
Hey everyone.talked to someone today. since im 33 weeks and ive had four steriod shots, and the fact im so small and i have cf. next week or the week after they want to do a amniocentesis. Im really scared ive never had it done before. They are checking to see if lucas's lungs are mature and if they are they want to deliver him. hehe i might have a baby within the next two weeks im so excited.

well ill keep you posted MWAH to you all <3

ps here is a new pic i sure hope it actually work.
they are links i havnt figured out how to put HTML tags onhere X_X everytime i try they fail
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h148/Sareea696/HPIM0876.jpg">http://i63.photobucket.com/alb...Sareea696/HPIM0876.jpg</a>

hope you like mwah!


New member
I had my daughter at 34 weeks, and she did really well- cried for me when she was born and everything <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> She had to stay there a week until she could keep her temp up . I will pray that everything goes really well!


New member
I had my daughter at 34 weeks, and she did really well- cried for me when she was born and everything <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> She had to stay there a week until she could keep her temp up . I will pray that everything goes really well!


New member
I had my daughter at 34 weeks, and she did really well- cried for me when she was born and everything <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> She had to stay there a week until she could keep her temp up . I will pray that everything goes really well!


New member
Soon now! Another March baby! Hope all goes well, and he is a fine healthy little boy. Great picture. You look just the right size! Keep us posted. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Soon now! Another March baby! Hope all goes well, and he is a fine healthy little boy. Great picture. You look just the right size! Keep us posted. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Soon now! Another March baby! Hope all goes well, and he is a fine healthy little boy. Great picture. You look just the right size! Keep us posted. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey Vampy I had the steroid shots to develop Jazmine's lung also. I thought my leg was going to fall off. I delivered at 33 weeks. She was tiny, but healthy. Actually not THAT tiny. Only a pound less then me when I was born.


New member
Hey Vampy I had the steroid shots to develop Jazmine's lung also. I thought my leg was going to fall off. I delivered at 33 weeks. She was tiny, but healthy. Actually not THAT tiny. Only a pound less then me when I was born.


New member
Hey Vampy I had the steroid shots to develop Jazmine's lung also. I thought my leg was going to fall off. I delivered at 33 weeks. She was tiny, but healthy. Actually not THAT tiny. Only a pound less then me when I was born.


New member
Hi Vampy, you look great by the way<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I too had the steroid shots to mature Olivia's lungs, but also had major complications myself. They delivered her at 34 weeks weighing a tiny 2.9 pounds.

Don't worry too much, people have babies a lot earlier and your baby is out of the high risk category. Try to enjoy what's left pf your pregnancy.

Good luck!


New member
Hi Vampy, you look great by the way<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I too had the steroid shots to mature Olivia's lungs, but also had major complications myself. They delivered her at 34 weeks weighing a tiny 2.9 pounds.

Don't worry too much, people have babies a lot earlier and your baby is out of the high risk category. Try to enjoy what's left pf your pregnancy.

Good luck!


New member
Hi Vampy, you look great by the way<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I too had the steroid shots to mature Olivia's lungs, but also had major complications myself. They delivered her at 34 weeks weighing a tiny 2.9 pounds.

Don't worry too much, people have babies a lot earlier and your baby is out of the high risk category. Try to enjoy what's left pf your pregnancy.

Good luck!


New member
Keeping you in prayer that all goes well and I am so anxious to see a picture of your little one. The picture of you and your husband is beautiful.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Keeping you in prayer that all goes well and I am so anxious to see a picture of your little one. The picture of you and your husband is beautiful.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Keeping you in prayer that all goes well and I am so anxious to see a picture of your little one. The picture of you and your husband is beautiful.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


I had a lung-development-check-type-amnio (ha ha the technical term). I was really anxious about it, but it was nothing -- really!!! Good luck and easy delivery vibes to you!!


I had a lung-development-check-type-amnio (ha ha the technical term). I was really anxious about it, but it was nothing -- really!!! Good luck and easy delivery vibes to you!!