Update on My brother..


New member
I'll continue to keep your brother in my prayers and i hope you can find a way to get to see him. A bus like Terri mentioned wouldnt be a bad idea if they have them there. How about a friend? Can someone drive you ? keep us posted!


New member
I'll continue to keep your brother in my prayers and i hope you can find a way to get to see him. A bus like Terri mentioned wouldnt be a bad idea if they have them there. How about a friend? Can someone drive you ? keep us posted!


New member
I'll continue to keep your brother in my prayers and i hope you can find a way to get to see him. A bus like Terri mentioned wouldnt be a bad idea if they have them there. How about a friend? Can someone drive you ? keep us posted!


New member
Im glad to hear that he is doing good other than the pnuemonia, I hope that they get that taken care of and it goes away. I will continue to pray for your brother and your family.


New member
Im glad to hear that he is doing good other than the pnuemonia, I hope that they get that taken care of and it goes away. I will continue to pray for your brother and your family.


New member
Im glad to hear that he is doing good other than the pnuemonia, I hope that they get that taken care of and it goes away. I will continue to pray for your brother and your family.


New member

Your brother's in Vancouver? He lives here? Is he at Saint Paul's?

I wish I could help you--I really really do. If there's anything you'd like me to bring him (not that I'd personally go in and see him but I'd wait outside his door while my husband did), let me know at once!

I've been thinking about him lots, and I know he'll get better! Just keep hoping for the best...those docs are AMAZING.

Take care, and don't worry too much!



New member

Your brother's in Vancouver? He lives here? Is he at Saint Paul's?

I wish I could help you--I really really do. If there's anything you'd like me to bring him (not that I'd personally go in and see him but I'd wait outside his door while my husband did), let me know at once!

I've been thinking about him lots, and I know he'll get better! Just keep hoping for the best...those docs are AMAZING.

Take care, and don't worry too much!



New member

Your brother's in Vancouver? He lives here? Is he at Saint Paul's?

I wish I could help you--I really really do. If there's anything you'd like me to bring him (not that I'd personally go in and see him but I'd wait outside his door while my husband did), let me know at once!

I've been thinking about him lots, and I know he'll get better! Just keep hoping for the best...those docs are AMAZING.

Take care, and don't worry too much!



New member
Chris your post touched my heart you are such a sweet and caring person..

Sorry I don't have any ideas about the airlines. I recently flew out on an emergency bases and the "Compassion fare" was a total joke, it was the price of a full fare plus some.. and I ended up paying over a thousand dollars for a trip I usually flew for cheap.

My best advice is to fly standby.. This way if they have an open seat at the end after everyone has boarded they sell you a seat pretty cheap..

Good luck and let us know what you do...



New member
Chris your post touched my heart you are such a sweet and caring person..

Sorry I don't have any ideas about the airlines. I recently flew out on an emergency bases and the "Compassion fare" was a total joke, it was the price of a full fare plus some.. and I ended up paying over a thousand dollars for a trip I usually flew for cheap.

My best advice is to fly standby.. This way if they have an open seat at the end after everyone has boarded they sell you a seat pretty cheap..

Good luck and let us know what you do...



New member
Chris your post touched my heart you are such a sweet and caring person..

Sorry I don't have any ideas about the airlines. I recently flew out on an emergency bases and the "Compassion fare" was a total joke, it was the price of a full fare plus some.. and I ended up paying over a thousand dollars for a trip I usually flew for cheap.

My best advice is to fly standby.. This way if they have an open seat at the end after everyone has boarded they sell you a seat pretty cheap..

Good luck and let us know what you do...
