Update on my old situation


New member
So far it seems like it was a good choice for me in general. At the end of this week, I will have logged 64 hours of work time. 40 being orientation/training for the main company, and then an additional 24 over 3 days (unless he wants to condense it) at the specific site, so 64 hrs total. Thankfully the guy thats above me (though I am considered a supervisor too) at the location allowed me to do my training at my regular pay, as opposed to the companies cheese out of slightly more than half regular base pay (I can see why though). I told the guy my schedule so far, and he realized it was going to be 64 hours, so he said "Let's atleast give you 1 or 2 days off before your regular shift begins", so thank Jebus for that!

I was stuck in a holding pattern health care wise, and was starting to think I made a horrible, potentially life ending situation (with time anyways). The health care company they offered (two actually) was a joke for my needs (massive prescriptions, etc). The benefits package info they gave me also listed a very well known government health care option, of which I have belonged to since 1995 and never used due to parents real awesome insurance (same company as the package they offered, but way different). Basically the benefit package of theirs had a pretty steep deductible, and had an overall ceiling of $50,000 a year...We all know we would blow through that fast even when not sick.

The only option seemed to be for myself and the other members of my family to chip in and help me out with KOBRA (not sure the spelling of the acronym, i'm exhausted, but it's the unemployed health care thingy). So on a lark I called that government program, because of what it said on the benefits package. Come to find out, even with me making pretty decent money, I will be able to stay on their program, and pay VERY LOW for the health care (one is like zero deductible annually, about 50 bucks a month, and for my main medications that i'm always on - even pulmozyme and collistin - the two most expensive by a large gap, would be only 106 bucks in copays per month, so basically 150 bucks a month for everything taken care of). I'm not 100% clear on the actual medical healthcare aspects of it (hospitalization, outpatient, copays, etc etc), but i'm fairly sure it won't be that bad, and if it is, i'll hoof the bill or family and friends can help me with it.

So THAT WAS EXTREMELY EARTH SHATTERING GOOD NEWS. On top of that awesome news (the most important), I found out I still qualify for the program through disability to be able to work and regardless of income amount (gonna reverify this tomorrow) I have 9 month of still getting my current benefits on the trial program, then I either fully commit to it, or if I can't do it health wise, fall back onto it. I thought it was a total leap into the dark with no safety net, but apparently I was wrong (unless the chick on the phone was wrong). So between my benefits and what I'll be earning (and hopefully sticking with), I will be able to do some very positive things for myself and our house and stuff, and hopefully be 100% independent for the rest of my good health.

On top of THAT, this one female in my class, I think she has the puppy dog eyes for me (let me know very early on that she was just seperated, wants to go eat with me on breaks, etc etc). Anyways she is a state certified corrections officer (basically what I was trying to do previously that wasted a year of my life, but I was trying county, where she is state, which means prison work as opposed to jail work), along with another guy. The 7 of us have been stuck in a room, for 10 hours a day, all week with each other. So of course people talk a ton and bond and such. Well I networked, and both the corrections peeps and I like each other and get along great.

She gave me the inside skinny on the benefits for the state dept of corrections, and how they totally kick a*s, and with her as a reference for me, due to what she does and her time with them, and with my background, i would be a shoe in for the job...Which would make me a bonafide LEO, with a good chance of true arrest powers in the near future (something the PBA is fighting for), and then after the academy, i'd make pretty crazy money for me, and then need just 4 more weeks of regular academy to be a full fledged regular LEO.

I'm so damn happy right now, I don't know what to do. It's like I won some ultra lottery or something by a sleep deprivation contest. I'm extremely happy, but exhausted at the same time, so tired in fact I can't sleep. So far (thankfully to OO) my lungs are holding up fine, and my nose has cleared up from what originally was eating away at me. As long as my health holds up (and it hasn't slipped yet), my future looks super nova kind of bright. I've known my main supervisor at work all of under a week, and only met him twice, and he has already in not so many words told me that if a particular, very high paying position opens up, he would seriously consider me.

I'm starting to wonder if i'm dreaming. For those haters out there, I did about 6 or 7 extremely high end good deeds just this week, including saving two animals from almost sure death (twice for the same animals in a few weeks)...So maybe it's karma paying me a long overdue visit? Would be nice...

Anyways, not like anyone cares, but i though i'd just drop a line and let you know of my windfall of fortune, basically all found out about today.

BTW my butt looks quite nice in my new uniform <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader
Great news about your job, your benefits, your karma and your butt!
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I bet I get hit by a cement truck filled with nitroglycerine and angry clowns on the way to my friends to pick up some software. Only fitting to get my hopes up, then kill me the same night by the same thing I have wished other horrible people to die from. If it happens, please save my comments on the matter, and send them to the news so I can be known as a psychic or something <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>SeanDavis</b></i> I bet I get hit by
a cement truck filled with nitroglycerine and angry clowns on the
way to my friends to pick up some software. Only fitting to get my
hopes up, then kill me the same night by the same thing I have
wished other horrible people to die from. If it happens, please
save my comments on the matter, and send them to the news so I can
be known as a psychic or something
<img src=""></end quote></div><br>
You are soo kooky, I think the OO is affecting your brain!
 Are the clowns driving the truck, in the back of the
truck or on their way to your friends house?<br>
<a href=
I just included the link because I think it's funny when the
very serious voice says it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">  I'm easily amused I know.


New member
Way to go Sean!!! I know you have worked hard for this, you deserve a new start in your life. Watch out world, here comes Sean!
Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
Bravo Sean *applause*

Like I always say, "Pay It Forward." You've done this over and over again and it will thwart off those evil <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0"> clowns again and again.

Hang in there Doll! <img src="i/expressions/lips.gif" border="0">


New member
Thanks a ton guys, finished the company training today. Have 24 more hours to go. I wanted atleast a day off before my regular week begins, so I won't get all the overtime like I could have gotten. By all means, derail this thread, it's funny <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
BTW I scored a good ways above average on one test, and got second highest score in class on the other test. The other dude beat me by one damn question heh. Oh well, there is always a bigger dog than you out there, or at the least, he just so happened to answer one more correct than me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

I got a massive headache now, gonna lay down after taking several tylenols, then gonna go celebrate with some beers and friends. First morning in a while that I haven't had to wake up at 5am will be tomorrow, I bet my body wakes up at that time anyways due to habit. I'm kind of nervous about the actual job, as in the site I will be posted to. HUGE insurance company, with a fleet of security guys. I would be extremely happy if all my responsibilities turn out to be just bike patroling outside, foot patrol inside, and escorting women to their cars and escorting executives/managers to meet with disgruntled employee's and customers. I'm told that happens a ton over at the other similar huge company site, would be nice for me because I can't stand to be in one place not doing anything for long hours. Moving non stop makes the time fly.


Sean, good for you! I hope this job is everything you want it to be. Cheers<img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0">


New member
Excellent News!! I am very happy for you and wish you continued good health and happiness!! <img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">