Update on us!


New member
I just felt like updating everyone on me and Brian. He is doing so much better! He still sees the therapist once a week. It sounds like he is actually liking it too, which is amazing to me because he fought tooth and nail about going to a therapist for months even before his suicide attempt! We have a new kitty and that seems to have helped too. We didn't need another kitty, but he is maybe 8 or 9 months old and has been neglected. We've had him for a month and he has put on lots of weight and is getting big! He also gives hugs, its really cute.

I'm doing better too. Brian and I had it out a couple weeks ago. I was very upset about him not paying much attention to me and told him that I was going to leave him if things didn't get better. He didn't like hearing that at all and pretty much begged me not to leave. Since then he has been much better about being affectionate toward me and asking me what I want to do for a change. He is in New York this week. His mother had minor knee surgery today so he is taking care of her. He comes home on the 5th. I think that it will be good for us to have some time apart. He left on Sunday, so at this point I don't miss him too much yet, especially at night! I get the bed all to myself, he has a tendency to roll over onto me and snore right in my ear!

I also want to say thanks to everyone for your advice and support through this! It has been the most difficult thing I have ever been through, but you guys helped keep sane!


New member
I just felt like updating everyone on me and Brian. He is doing so much better! He still sees the therapist once a week. It sounds like he is actually liking it too, which is amazing to me because he fought tooth and nail about going to a therapist for months even before his suicide attempt! We have a new kitty and that seems to have helped too. We didn't need another kitty, but he is maybe 8 or 9 months old and has been neglected. We've had him for a month and he has put on lots of weight and is getting big! He also gives hugs, its really cute.

I'm doing better too. Brian and I had it out a couple weeks ago. I was very upset about him not paying much attention to me and told him that I was going to leave him if things didn't get better. He didn't like hearing that at all and pretty much begged me not to leave. Since then he has been much better about being affectionate toward me and asking me what I want to do for a change. He is in New York this week. His mother had minor knee surgery today so he is taking care of her. He comes home on the 5th. I think that it will be good for us to have some time apart. He left on Sunday, so at this point I don't miss him too much yet, especially at night! I get the bed all to myself, he has a tendency to roll over onto me and snore right in my ear!

I also want to say thanks to everyone for your advice and support through this! It has been the most difficult thing I have ever been through, but you guys helped keep sane!


New member
I just felt like updating everyone on me and Brian. He is doing so much better! He still sees the therapist once a week. It sounds like he is actually liking it too, which is amazing to me because he fought tooth and nail about going to a therapist for months even before his suicide attempt! We have a new kitty and that seems to have helped too. We didn't need another kitty, but he is maybe 8 or 9 months old and has been neglected. We've had him for a month and he has put on lots of weight and is getting big! He also gives hugs, its really cute.

I'm doing better too. Brian and I had it out a couple weeks ago. I was very upset about him not paying much attention to me and told him that I was going to leave him if things didn't get better. He didn't like hearing that at all and pretty much begged me not to leave. Since then he has been much better about being affectionate toward me and asking me what I want to do for a change. He is in New York this week. His mother had minor knee surgery today so he is taking care of her. He comes home on the 5th. I think that it will be good for us to have some time apart. He left on Sunday, so at this point I don't miss him too much yet, especially at night! I get the bed all to myself, he has a tendency to roll over onto me and snore right in my ear!

I also want to say thanks to everyone for your advice and support through this! It has been the most difficult thing I have ever been through, but you guys helped keep sane!


New member
I'm so glad that things are looking brighter <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
I'm so glad that things are looking brighter <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
I'm so glad that things are looking brighter <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
Good News! BTW My hubby rolls over on me & snores in my ear. My hubby is 210 pounds & 6'1" so I kind of get lost in the bed with him. HUGS!


New member
Good News! BTW My hubby rolls over on me & snores in my ear. My hubby is 210 pounds & 6'1" so I kind of get lost in the bed with him. HUGS!


New member
Good News! BTW My hubby rolls over on me & snores in my ear. My hubby is 210 pounds & 6'1" so I kind of get lost in the bed with him. HUGS!


New member
i'm glad things are going better for you. i know from experience with my own husband that being apart from one another for a few days helps a lot. well at least it always helped us. but his new job doesn't require him to go outta town, which sucks for me, but anyways, i hope this helps ya'll.


New member
i'm glad things are going better for you. i know from experience with my own husband that being apart from one another for a few days helps a lot. well at least it always helped us. but his new job doesn't require him to go outta town, which sucks for me, but anyways, i hope this helps ya'll.


New member
i'm glad things are going better for you. i know from experience with my own husband that being apart from one another for a few days helps a lot. well at least it always helped us. but his new job doesn't require him to go outta town, which sucks for me, but anyways, i hope this helps ya'll.


New member
i'm glad things are going better for you. i know from experience with my own husband that being apart from one another for a few days helps a lot. well at least it always helped us. but his new job doesn't require him to go outta town, which sucks for me, but anyways, i hope this helps ya'll.


New member
i'm glad things are going better for you. i know from experience with my own husband that being apart from one another for a few days helps a lot. well at least it always helped us. but his new job doesn't require him to go outta town, which sucks for me, but anyways, i hope this helps ya'll.


New member
i'm glad things are going better for you. i know from experience with my own husband that being apart from one another for a few days helps a lot. well at least it always helped us. but his new job doesn't require him to go outta town, which sucks for me, but anyways, i hope this helps ya'll.