

New member
Sorry I haven't been on in a few weeks. My last post was the one that said "Hi, New Here!"

Anywho, I just realized that I haven't told you our names! I would forget my head if it wasn't attached somedays. LOL

My name is Dara
DH is Jason
DS is Trevor and he will be 3 on December 6......he does not have CF
DD is Lexi.....she is 6 months old and was diagnosed at birth with CF...........DDF508

We went to our CF clinic last week and they did an ultrasound on her liver because her bloodwork came back a little off in that area...............we got the results back and she has NO liver damage!! Thank you Lord!! :) :)

She had only gained a pound and they did add polycose to her bottles, but that was about it. We are forging ahead!! I hope I'll be able to be on here more. It has been a really busy last few weeks with work and the kids........I am sure that you all understand. :)


New member
she probably won't have damage until later in life. i didn't until i was 20.

What kind of damage did they find at age 20..........was it something that you had to take medicine for and it went away or is it something that you have to take along with your other CF meds daily? Just curious. Thanks!


New member
Hello my name is Breanna Smith and i go to the CCCTC in Ohio. I am doing my senior project on CF and i was wondering if you would be willing to talk to me and tell me about what you go through and have to deal with your daughter. It would help me so much if you were willing to if not i understand completely. My email is xXbree913Xx@gmail.com We could text/skype/talk on the phone if needed. Thank you. :)