Updated our website


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I didn't realize it had been so long since my last belly shot, so as requested, I updated the website today. www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com I also updated the Funny pictures page. It's more pictures of my cat (sorry for you non cat lovers, no hard feelings), he's such a crazy cat. He gets in and tries out everything we've brough home for the babies. Someone recommended aluminum foil to keep him out of/off the things for the babies, but he's deaf so it won't help. I did try it though, thinking maybe the texture would scare him, but he snuggled right up to it. He's so entertaining, I love him.

I also updated the pregnancy journal, the newest entries are near the bottom. I try to keep it short and sweet so people will actually read it. I hadn't updated since May so all the June and July entries are new.

Also, could you guys who view it help me out and give me some feedback??? I changed the "navigation bar" on the home page. I was thinking about putting that navigation bar on every single page, but Mark told me he thinks it might be too cluttered. What do you guys think? I want to make navigating the site as easy as possible so people can find the information they are looking for. Honest feedback, I can take it

I tried to do the "drop down" menu, where you would place your mouse over "success stories" and then sub-categories would appear but currently that isn't an option with the program I'm using and I don't know HTML code so this will have to do until it becomes available with the program (they say a year or two).

Only 10 more weeks to go. YIKES, we still have so much to do and so many things to get. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I better hurry up. I slow down everyday. I can't hardly go to the grocery store anymore, it sucks. Oh well, I am sure enjoying being pregnant and am so lucky to have had suck a smooth pregnancy. I count my blessings everyday!!

Thanks to all of you for your support, encouragement, prayers and well wishes. I, as well as Mark really really appreciate it!!


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oh my god!!! i actually gasped<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0"> i've never seen a multiple pregnancy belly. thats huge !!!!!! is it very uncomfortable?. i was showing my husband your previous pics when my 19yr old walked by , he said "why are you looking at that filth?" charming!!!!!! yours will be teenagers one day. LOL. take care<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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Hey Julie, You look great! Thats so funny about your cat. I love that pic of Mark & his on looker! This pregnancy has gone by so fast....well atleast for me...LOL! Have you gained weight anywhere else besides your belly? Have you got someone to draw a picture on your belly? What about a cast? Those are some things I regret I didnt do. Well thanks for the update....been thinking about how your doing. Take care....Oh yeah you said 10 more weeks to be excate..do you now your due date? Well when they will do the section?


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LOL janet. Just tell your son, someday your wife.......That'll get him <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

We were at the Navy exchange yesterday getting a gift for Mark's grandfather and this old couple looked at my belly and as they walked by they said "oops". I said, (in a joking tone, because the guy was all smiles) "this was no opps, this was planned". and he said, "It will be an oops when they are teenagers". It made me laugh. What I wanted to say was, "the second and third were the OOPS" but I didn't, I didn't think he'd get it.

It's starting to get uncomfortable. I have stretch marks (which I edited out) and they are painful. My mom loves to lift up my shirt and feel my belly, which is fine, but whenever hands come in contact with where the stretch marks are, it BURNS. So I tell her that if she wants to touch there she has to put my shirt down. My skin is just so stretched. I haven't been uncomfortable until about a week ago, so really I've got nothing to complain about. Nights have been rough for a month or so, but I anticipated that. I'm starting to have a lot more contractions, about 3-4 every hour so that causes some discomfort too and I think I'm finally starting to feel the weight of my belly. Surprisingly my back doesn't hurt at all, but my sides do. As you can see in the pictures I am carrying these babies REALLY low and all my skin stretches downwards and I am starting to feel that. Sometimes I have to hold my stomach up with my hands. LOL People say to me all the time, "oh, you've dropped, you are almost there". and I'm like, "no, I've been carrying this low the entire pregnancy, and I'm having triplets so I'm not even close, but thanks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">"

Hey Leah, how are you????? Long time not talk! Glad you like the cat pictures. He's so funny, makes me laugh all day long. He's always doing something he shouldn't be doing. And anytime something falls or we hear a strange noise, we both look at eachother and say, "zain", and then go make sure he hasn't killed himself. He's such a daring cat. Adn he gets bored because he's an indoor only cat (no claws and deaf, not a combination I'd allow outside!)

When I think about it, the pregnancy has gone by fast for me too!! I really have 15 more weeks until my due date (10/27/06) but my doctors don't let triplet moms go past 35 weeks. And I guess (from all my reading and in talking to my docs) that 35 weeks is pretty far for a triplet mom to make it. Most deliver around 32 weeks. So I'll be lucky to make it 10 more weeks, but so far there's no reason to think I won't. That can change overnight though. There's no exact date yet for the C section, my doc just said sometime during the 35th week.

I haven't done a belly cast, I was thinking about it.... Mark draws on my stomach all the time though. He loves my stomach (thank god!!!!) adn loves to feel the babies and he pokes them and they poke back. I'll think about the belly cast. I just have no idea what I'd do with it/where I'd put it....


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Hey Julie, the site is just great...dont change it.
You are getting huge...lol...jk...isnt it great to be pregnant? You look great. My dil walked by as I was looking and she said........."oh man, look how scrawny her legs are"....she has been following your adventure with me so she is excited for you too. She is the one that just had my new granddaughter, Xoey.


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Love your motto deb, LOVE it!!!

Mark makes fun of my legs too. He was telling my mom last night, "it's so funny when she gets ready for bed (I can't sleep with clothes on anymore, it's too uncomfortable) because you see these little tiny legs, these little tiny arms and then this gigantic stomach". I'm glad I can be amusing <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> No hard feelings about the "getting huge" comments. I'm not easily offended and heck, I AM getting huge <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Those 10 weeks are going to fly by. I have 3 before Abby's arrival. My OB upped her csection date since she is growing so well. She didn't want me to be miserable any longer than I have to be! :) I thought that was INCREDIBLY thoughtful, especially since I have moved my sleeping location to downstairs in the "big blue chair."

Now, we are just waiting for August 7! I think about you often! I need to shoot you an email to let you know I'm still alive on occasion!



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Em, there you are!!! So good to hear from you. I saw you post on here a few days ago, but I understand how busy you are from moving. 3 weeks, I'm so excited, I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have to post pictures as soon as you can, or email them or something!!!!! I'm so excited.

Man, that was nice of your OB.

I've moved my sleeping location too, not permanently but on nights when I can't get comfortable, I go downstairs to a recliner my mom found at Saint Vincent DePaul's for $10 bucks. What a steal!!! It reclines and I can put my feet up-that's all I need. Once I've been asleep for a while, I can usually go upstairs and join Mark in bed. But I completely know the feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 7th, August 7th. That's easy to remember, my birthday is 9 days after that (a whopping 23 this year) and our 4 year anniversary is the day after my birthday. That's easy to remember, August 7th.

I cant' wait to see pictures of her!!!


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Em, august 7 is a good day thats mine and my husbands 2nd year anniversary.. Soo thats a good day!!! good luck everyone thats expecting...


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Julie, I carried low my whole pregnancy too! I heard all the "oooo, ur gonna have that baby anyday now"...surprises, surprise,I had to be induced! My pelvic bone hurt all the time...even early on cuz I was carrying sooo low!!!

Thats great that Mark is so in to your pregnancy....he should be!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> About the drawing thing have you ever taken any pctures? I was really talking about like a "painting" on your belly....beachball, actual bun in the oven, beach umbrella etc. In one magazine I read they had a contest on that subject..really cool pictures!!!

Well take care, Julie! Glad you are still feeling good!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">