Updates on Tricia/TRIZANNE74


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Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Nate, it is I who am encouraged by you! You, Tricia and Gwenyth Rose are amazing examples of strength and faith.



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Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Nate, it is I who am encouraged by you! You, Tricia and Gwenyth Rose are amazing examples of strength and faith.



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Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Nate, it is I who am encouraged by you! You, Tricia and Gwenyth Rose are amazing examples of strength and faith.



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Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Nate, it is I who am encouraged by you! You, Tricia and Gwenyth Rose are amazing examples of strength and faith.



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Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Nate, it is I who am encouraged by you! You, Tricia and Gwenyth Rose are amazing examples of strength and faith.



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Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

...yes, Nate, you and Tricia inspire me to keep walking in faith...continuing to pray...


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Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

...yes, Nate, you and Tricia inspire me to keep walking in faith...continuing to pray...


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Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

...yes, Nate, you and Tricia inspire me to keep walking in faith...continuing to pray...


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Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

...yes, Nate, you and Tricia inspire me to keep walking in faith...continuing to pray...


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Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

...yes, Nate, you and Tricia inspire me to keep walking in faith...continuing to pray...


Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Read Nate's "Rough Day" entry he made in the wee hours this morning and please continue praying for them.

<i>Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Hard Day (Edited 4:05am)
Today was tough.

Tricia was very alert and "awake" for most of the day. By awake, I mean her eyes were often open, but her gaze was distant. She can't talk because of the trachea and vent, and she has been trying all day and night to communicate with me. I have never been good at reading lips, and while the nurses have tried to help, we've only been able to figure out a few of the things she's been mouthing. It's been incredibly frustrating for both of us, and at one point, she started to cry, and then I started to cry...I pray for us every time it gets frustrating (and thank God every time for all of you). We have a dry erase board, but she doesn't even have the strength to hold the marker, much less write anything (thank you for the suggestions about this).

Gwyneth was placed on the CPAP, but did not like it very much and had to be intubated again around 9pm. That's OK with me, as she is much more stable. The nurses and staff down there keep apologizing and explaining things, and I keep telling them that I've spent too much time in a hospital for all of this to phase me and that they'll have to do a lot more than poke and prod her to get me concerned.

I'm writing this at 1:45am...Tricia asked me to stay the night, which I was more than willing to do. I've spent most of my time trying to meet her needs (again with the lack of good communication), and have also played/sang a little for her. I'm taking a quick break right now out in "the hole" to update and chill for a minute.

To answer an important question...a few months ago, Tricia and I moved out of the house that we were renting for over year. The day after we moved out, my grandmother moved in. She is taking great care of Ralphie. He was named after Ralphie from "A Christmas Story". Ralphie and Meka are really best of friends.



Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Read Nate's "Rough Day" entry he made in the wee hours this morning and please continue praying for them.

<i>Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Hard Day (Edited 4:05am)
Today was tough.

Tricia was very alert and "awake" for most of the day. By awake, I mean her eyes were often open, but her gaze was distant. She can't talk because of the trachea and vent, and she has been trying all day and night to communicate with me. I have never been good at reading lips, and while the nurses have tried to help, we've only been able to figure out a few of the things she's been mouthing. It's been incredibly frustrating for both of us, and at one point, she started to cry, and then I started to cry...I pray for us every time it gets frustrating (and thank God every time for all of you). We have a dry erase board, but she doesn't even have the strength to hold the marker, much less write anything (thank you for the suggestions about this).

Gwyneth was placed on the CPAP, but did not like it very much and had to be intubated again around 9pm. That's OK with me, as she is much more stable. The nurses and staff down there keep apologizing and explaining things, and I keep telling them that I've spent too much time in a hospital for all of this to phase me and that they'll have to do a lot more than poke and prod her to get me concerned.

I'm writing this at 1:45am...Tricia asked me to stay the night, which I was more than willing to do. I've spent most of my time trying to meet her needs (again with the lack of good communication), and have also played/sang a little for her. I'm taking a quick break right now out in "the hole" to update and chill for a minute.

To answer an important question...a few months ago, Tricia and I moved out of the house that we were renting for over year. The day after we moved out, my grandmother moved in. She is taking great care of Ralphie. He was named after Ralphie from "A Christmas Story". Ralphie and Meka are really best of friends.



Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Read Nate's "Rough Day" entry he made in the wee hours this morning and please continue praying for them.

<i>Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Hard Day (Edited 4:05am)
Today was tough.

Tricia was very alert and "awake" for most of the day. By awake, I mean her eyes were often open, but her gaze was distant. She can't talk because of the trachea and vent, and she has been trying all day and night to communicate with me. I have never been good at reading lips, and while the nurses have tried to help, we've only been able to figure out a few of the things she's been mouthing. It's been incredibly frustrating for both of us, and at one point, she started to cry, and then I started to cry...I pray for us every time it gets frustrating (and thank God every time for all of you). We have a dry erase board, but she doesn't even have the strength to hold the marker, much less write anything (thank you for the suggestions about this).

Gwyneth was placed on the CPAP, but did not like it very much and had to be intubated again around 9pm. That's OK with me, as she is much more stable. The nurses and staff down there keep apologizing and explaining things, and I keep telling them that I've spent too much time in a hospital for all of this to phase me and that they'll have to do a lot more than poke and prod her to get me concerned.

I'm writing this at 1:45am...Tricia asked me to stay the night, which I was more than willing to do. I've spent most of my time trying to meet her needs (again with the lack of good communication), and have also played/sang a little for her. I'm taking a quick break right now out in "the hole" to update and chill for a minute.

To answer an important question...a few months ago, Tricia and I moved out of the house that we were renting for over year. The day after we moved out, my grandmother moved in. She is taking great care of Ralphie. He was named after Ralphie from "A Christmas Story". Ralphie and Meka are really best of friends.



Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Read Nate's "Rough Day" entry he made in the wee hours this morning and please continue praying for them.

<i>Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Hard Day (Edited 4:05am)
Today was tough.

Tricia was very alert and "awake" for most of the day. By awake, I mean her eyes were often open, but her gaze was distant. She can't talk because of the trachea and vent, and she has been trying all day and night to communicate with me. I have never been good at reading lips, and while the nurses have tried to help, we've only been able to figure out a few of the things she's been mouthing. It's been incredibly frustrating for both of us, and at one point, she started to cry, and then I started to cry...I pray for us every time it gets frustrating (and thank God every time for all of you). We have a dry erase board, but she doesn't even have the strength to hold the marker, much less write anything (thank you for the suggestions about this).

Gwyneth was placed on the CPAP, but did not like it very much and had to be intubated again around 9pm. That's OK with me, as she is much more stable. The nurses and staff down there keep apologizing and explaining things, and I keep telling them that I've spent too much time in a hospital for all of this to phase me and that they'll have to do a lot more than poke and prod her to get me concerned.

I'm writing this at 1:45am...Tricia asked me to stay the night, which I was more than willing to do. I've spent most of my time trying to meet her needs (again with the lack of good communication), and have also played/sang a little for her. I'm taking a quick break right now out in "the hole" to update and chill for a minute.

To answer an important question...a few months ago, Tricia and I moved out of the house that we were renting for over year. The day after we moved out, my grandmother moved in. She is taking great care of Ralphie. He was named after Ralphie from "A Christmas Story". Ralphie and Meka are really best of friends.



Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Read Nate's "Rough Day" entry he made in the wee hours this morning and please continue praying for them.

<i>Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Hard Day (Edited 4:05am)
Today was tough.

Tricia was very alert and "awake" for most of the day. By awake, I mean her eyes were often open, but her gaze was distant. She can't talk because of the trachea and vent, and she has been trying all day and night to communicate with me. I have never been good at reading lips, and while the nurses have tried to help, we've only been able to figure out a few of the things she's been mouthing. It's been incredibly frustrating for both of us, and at one point, she started to cry, and then I started to cry...I pray for us every time it gets frustrating (and thank God every time for all of you). We have a dry erase board, but she doesn't even have the strength to hold the marker, much less write anything (thank you for the suggestions about this).

Gwyneth was placed on the CPAP, but did not like it very much and had to be intubated again around 9pm. That's OK with me, as she is much more stable. The nurses and staff down there keep apologizing and explaining things, and I keep telling them that I've spent too much time in a hospital for all of this to phase me and that they'll have to do a lot more than poke and prod her to get me concerned.

I'm writing this at 1:45am...Tricia asked me to stay the night, which I was more than willing to do. I've spent most of my time trying to meet her needs (again with the lack of good communication), and have also played/sang a little for her. I'm taking a quick break right now out in "the hole" to update and chill for a minute.

To answer an important question...a few months ago, Tricia and I moved out of the house that we were renting for over year. The day after we moved out, my grandmother moved in. She is taking great care of Ralphie. He was named after Ralphie from "A Christmas Story". Ralphie and Meka are really best of friends.



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Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Nate.. I am totally addicted to you website blog as well as your fathers.. I am reading it several times a day and I am praying for you all.. I am sending this link and prayer request through to my home church in NJ .. They are some of the toughest intercessors I have ever met...... so add a church from NJ to the multitude of ppl praying..

I live in SC now and someday I would love to visit your fathers church.. It sounds amazing...

Sending prayers,



New member
Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Nate.. I am totally addicted to you website blog as well as your fathers.. I am reading it several times a day and I am praying for you all.. I am sending this link and prayer request through to my home church in NJ .. They are some of the toughest intercessors I have ever met...... so add a church from NJ to the multitude of ppl praying..

I live in SC now and someday I would love to visit your fathers church.. It sounds amazing...

Sending prayers,



New member
Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Nate.. I am totally addicted to you website blog as well as your fathers.. I am reading it several times a day and I am praying for you all.. I am sending this link and prayer request through to my home church in NJ .. They are some of the toughest intercessors I have ever met...... so add a church from NJ to the multitude of ppl praying..

I live in SC now and someday I would love to visit your fathers church.. It sounds amazing...

Sending prayers,



New member
Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Nate.. I am totally addicted to you website blog as well as your fathers.. I am reading it several times a day and I am praying for you all.. I am sending this link and prayer request through to my home church in NJ .. They are some of the toughest intercessors I have ever met...... so add a church from NJ to the multitude of ppl praying..

I live in SC now and someday I would love to visit your fathers church.. It sounds amazing...

Sending prayers,



New member
Updates on TRIZANNE74/Tricia

Nate.. I am totally addicted to you website blog as well as your fathers.. I am reading it several times a day and I am praying for you all.. I am sending this link and prayer request through to my home church in NJ .. They are some of the toughest intercessors I have ever met...... so add a church from NJ to the multitude of ppl praying..

I live in SC now and someday I would love to visit your fathers church.. It sounds amazing...

Sending prayers,
