ups and downs....


New member
Its crazy how I can feel so good one day and so crappy the next. This weather is beating me up, I cant take the humidity. Anyone else having issues on the east coast??? rant over sorry....


New member
Its crazy how I can feel so good one day and so crappy the next. This weather is beating me up, I cant take the humidity. Anyone else having issues on the east coast??? rant over sorry....


New member
Its crazy how I can feel so good one day and so crappy the next. This weather is beating me up, I cant take the humidity. Anyone else having issues on the east coast??? rant over sorry....
<br />Kevin


New member
Hi Kevin,
I live in Mississippi and the heat is about killing me too. I stay inside and try not to go out much. I use to live in Ohio the humidity is not as bad there. I know today it is 93 but it feels like it is 98 here. I am going back home to ohio on monday and i can't wait to get out of this heat. well ttyl good luck!


New member
Hi Kevin,
I live in Mississippi and the heat is about killing me too. I stay inside and try not to go out much. I use to live in Ohio the humidity is not as bad there. I know today it is 93 but it feels like it is 98 here. I am going back home to ohio on monday and i can't wait to get out of this heat. well ttyl good luck!


New member
Hi Kevin,
<br />I live in Mississippi and the heat is about killing me too. I stay inside and try not to go out much. I use to live in Ohio the humidity is not as bad there. I know today it is 93 but it feels like it is 98 here. I am going back home to ohio on monday and i can't wait to get out of this heat. well ttyl good luck!


Active member

I'm in Massachusetts. Between the pollen and the poor air quality, this has been by far the worst summer of my life. I suggest that you see a good allergest.


Male 70 years with CF


Active member

I'm in Massachusetts. Between the pollen and the poor air quality, this has been by far the worst summer of my life. I suggest that you see a good allergest.


Male 70 years with CF


Active member
<br />
<br />I'm in Massachusetts. Between the pollen and the poor air quality, this has been by far the worst summer of my life. I suggest that you see a good allergest.
<br />
<br />Bill
<br />
<br />Male 70 years with CF