Urgent call to action: Alternate health care plan has been reintroduced


Super Moderator
From Sue Landgraf, Executive Director of CFRI:

A new proposed replacement for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been introduced in Congress; the current version has more support than last, despite containing essentially the same provisions detrimental to the CF and rare disease communities.

The proposed legislation contains many provisions that will be detrimental to those with CF or any pre-existing condition. The return to high-risk pools, premium penalties for those whose coverage lapses, cuts to Medicaid, and reduced policy subsidies will negatively impact many members of the CF community. As our elected officials debate this bill, it is critically important that they hear from you! Please let your elected officials know that the recently proposed health care legislation is unacceptable! Please note that the American Medical Association, AARP, and other consumer and medical groups are opposed as well.

Thank you for writing today, urging your elected officials to reject this proposal, and to craft legislation that will maintain protections for those with pre-existing conditions such as CF, and enable those with CF – or any preexisting condition – to secure affordable health coverage. This letter will also be sent to your state representatives, to inform them of your views on this vitally important issue. CFRI’s Many Voices ~ One Voice Advocacy and Awareness Campaign needs your voice. It is critical that your representatives hear from you!

Best regards,

Sue Landgraf
Executive Director

Link to fill out your contact info. and CFRI will send letter to your representatives:



Super Moderator
Only have a second but just read an article that states this plan will allow for the return of lifetime and annual caps. :(


So not only will we see the pre-existing conditions exclusions and jacked up premiums we also see the return of caps. This bill is truly devestating to the CF community and I feel sick about it.

Thanks for the link J.


Edited to add: Forgot to mention it also allows for the removal of the annual out-of-pocket caps. :( This is another provision I was very worried about.
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Staff member
I sent an email; however, our representative has continued to support the repeal. At least I had my say, but as usual fell upon deaf ears.


Super Moderator
Now is the time to send emails, letters and call your senators if you do not want this passed through the senate.