urgent ???? please help..


New member
thank you so much, well i didnt go to the er, but i stayed in bed all night w/ a pillow on my side. the pain in 10 x better than yesterday.. my dr still never called me but i will be calling at 900am when they open. thanks again


New member
thank you so much, well i didnt go to the er, but i stayed in bed all night w/ a pillow on my side. the pain in 10 x better than yesterday.. my dr still never called me but i will be calling at 900am when they open. thanks again


New member
I get this pain all the time. I thought it was my pacrease and it ended up being my gallbladder. It is in the same area. The pain gets so bad. They want to remove it but I talkt o my cf doctor and he told me no more fatty foods.

My brother on the other hand gets pancreatisis all the time. The first couple of times he has gone to out local ER which no nothing about CF but his levels came back high. They put him on IV Fluids and told him her could have nothing to eat or drink for a couple of day.

Now when he gets it because once you get pancreatisis you will always get it. He treats him self. He stays in bed and does absolutly nothing. Does not eat or drink at all.

But for you I would go and have your gallbladder looked at and really go from there.

Jennifer 32 wf CF


New member
I get this pain all the time. I thought it was my pacrease and it ended up being my gallbladder. It is in the same area. The pain gets so bad. They want to remove it but I talkt o my cf doctor and he told me no more fatty foods.

My brother on the other hand gets pancreatisis all the time. The first couple of times he has gone to out local ER which no nothing about CF but his levels came back high. They put him on IV Fluids and told him her could have nothing to eat or drink for a couple of day.

Now when he gets it because once you get pancreatisis you will always get it. He treats him self. He stays in bed and does absolutly nothing. Does not eat or drink at all.

But for you I would go and have your gallbladder looked at and really go from there.

Jennifer 32 wf CF


Jenn, I am glad your pain is better this morning. Sorry you had such a rough night. I hope you get some answers from your doc. Hang in there.



Jenn, I am glad your pain is better this morning. Sorry you had such a rough night. I hope you get some answers from your doc. Hang in there.



New member
It definitely sounds like a gallbladder attack. Symptoms are (but you don't have to have all of these to have an attack): extreme pain on your right side - sometimes radiates around middle. Can come in waves like contractions. Feel like you're going to die then boom the pain is gone. Can cause lung cramps on right side. Sharp pain in right shoulder. Attacks are just about always in the middle of the night to start out. Vomiting. Order an ultrasound - this will diagnose whether you have a problem. Pancreatitis (a life threatening disorder) can be caused by ignoring gallbladder attacks. What happens is the gallbladder attempts to pass the stones. They end up in the pancrease with causes pancreatitis.

Gallbladders are removed from CF'ers all the time. I was reluctant to have mine out - thought I should try to flush it with oil and lemon, a technique I learned about on the web. Wasn't a big fan of operations - never had been put under. After the attacks became more often went to a gastroentochronolgist who suggested only 2 general surgeons to go to. He said it was not a procedure you wanted done in the ER so to seriously consider scheduling the operation. Any botched stories are done by people inexperienced in doing the operation. I talked to him about changing my diet to avoid surgury. He said once the body makes stones it always will. I guess that was the kicker, I knew even if I got the sludge/stones out of me they could come back. I met with the surgeon - liked him and scheduled surgury. Due to my CF and not wanting cross contamination I chose to go home the same day. They allowed it since it seemed I had a good support system - hubby by my side - and I proved to them I could walk down the hall and back. Recovery from the lapiscopic surgury (4 small holes) was 4 days but I took a week off just to be sure. The scars are very minimal. Please ask me any questions you might have.


New member
It definitely sounds like a gallbladder attack. Symptoms are (but you don't have to have all of these to have an attack): extreme pain on your right side - sometimes radiates around middle. Can come in waves like contractions. Feel like you're going to die then boom the pain is gone. Can cause lung cramps on right side. Sharp pain in right shoulder. Attacks are just about always in the middle of the night to start out. Vomiting. Order an ultrasound - this will diagnose whether you have a problem. Pancreatitis (a life threatening disorder) can be caused by ignoring gallbladder attacks. What happens is the gallbladder attempts to pass the stones. They end up in the pancrease with causes pancreatitis.

Gallbladders are removed from CF'ers all the time. I was reluctant to have mine out - thought I should try to flush it with oil and lemon, a technique I learned about on the web. Wasn't a big fan of operations - never had been put under. After the attacks became more often went to a gastroentochronolgist who suggested only 2 general surgeons to go to. He said it was not a procedure you wanted done in the ER so to seriously consider scheduling the operation. Any botched stories are done by people inexperienced in doing the operation. I talked to him about changing my diet to avoid surgury. He said once the body makes stones it always will. I guess that was the kicker, I knew even if I got the sludge/stones out of me they could come back. I met with the surgeon - liked him and scheduled surgury. Due to my CF and not wanting cross contamination I chose to go home the same day. They allowed it since it seemed I had a good support system - hubby by my side - and I proved to them I could walk down the hall and back. Recovery from the lapiscopic surgury (4 small holes) was 4 days but I took a week off just to be sure. The scars are very minimal. Please ask me any questions you might have.


New member
i wonder if it could be my gallbladder??? i get tese attacks sometimes and there unbelieveable.. its fine now.. what are other symptoms of gallbladder? can they tell from bloodwrk?


New member
i wonder if it could be my gallbladder??? i get tese attacks sometimes and there unbelieveable.. its fine now.. what are other symptoms of gallbladder? can they tell from bloodwrk?


New member
It could be your gallbladder. I had mine out in February of last year. I would have horrible pains on the right side. They would be so bad that I could not move. It kind of felt like I had an obstruction but that pain is always on my left side.


New member
It could be your gallbladder. I had mine out in February of last year. I would have horrible pains on the right side. They would be so bad that I could not move. It kind of felt like I had an obstruction but that pain is always on my left side.


New member
I had gallstones and my gall blader removed a while ago. The pain was ridiculous! All I could do was moan like a crazy person, grab my stomach as hard as I could and push on it. That was my attempt to help the pain. It was a sharp ache that came and went. I couldn't drive, so I had someone take me to the ER at 4am. I just knew something was not right. I couldn't imagine going through the whole night with such pain. That kind of pain is not normal.

I think they determined I had gallstones from an ultrasound, I don't remember if they could tell anything from bloodwork. They saw the stones and then decided they needed to remove my gall bladder. To manage the pain, they gave me morphine. It seemed rather simple to take out the gall bladder and then you don't have any more symptoms. I hope your doctors help you soon and figure out what is going on!


New member
I had gallstones and my gall blader removed a while ago. The pain was ridiculous! All I could do was moan like a crazy person, grab my stomach as hard as I could and push on it. That was my attempt to help the pain. It was a sharp ache that came and went. I couldn't drive, so I had someone take me to the ER at 4am. I just knew something was not right. I couldn't imagine going through the whole night with such pain. That kind of pain is not normal.

I think they determined I had gallstones from an ultrasound, I don't remember if they could tell anything from bloodwork. They saw the stones and then decided they needed to remove my gall bladder. To manage the pain, they gave me morphine. It seemed rather simple to take out the gall bladder and then you don't have any more symptoms. I hope your doctors help you soon and figure out what is going on!