using netflix or blockbuster in demand in the hospital

I am wondering if anyone uses netflix or blockbuster in demand in the hospital? are there any other websites like netflix. i like the ideal of netflix but the only problem i have with it is that you have to pay 7.99 for streaming and another 7.99 for renting videos EVERY month.

has anyone used blockbuster in demand? what are your thoughts on that? i have done a little research on that and it looks like i pay for every movie i stream instead of one set price every month.

are there any other movie websites like blockbuster or netflix?


New member
I subscribed to Netflix for the purpose of watching it in hospital as well as at home. Our hospital doesn't support streaming videos, so it doesn't do us any good to have it.


New member
Here's a gives you first month free...sign up when you get admitted and cancel before you leave and won't get charged. If you are a hospital "frequent flyer" like me and get admitted a lot, just use a different debit card and e-mail and sign up multiple times, canceling each time....won't get charged and you will have movies. Borrow a partner, parents, friends card number and create a new e-mail on gmail or yahoo etc. I have a debit card and two credit cards for emergenicnes so that would be 3 free months. A little dishonest, maybe, I could do it, not sure if you could....just a thought. But I know NetFlix usually keeps me occupied and I start each admission with "Breakfast at Tiffany's".


New member
Also lets you dowlonad movies for 2/3 dollars a down load and you can watch them for 7 days. That's how I watched Eva Markvoort's 65 Red Roses, instead of buying DVD I paid 2 bucks on Amazon.


New member
If you don't want to sign up for Netflix or amazon just borrow someone's account. All you need is their e-mail and password. We have multiple users on ours.


New member
I use Netflix, I don't rent the movies, just stream them so I get charged 7.99 each month...but trust me, I absolutely get my money's worth! I don't have cable, so I stream movies, shows etc. Also, consider They also have, which allows for more access to movies and current shows. Like some one said, sign up for the free month while inpatient. You'll have a better picture regarding Netflix and you can always cancel.

Jenn 41 wCF


As everyone already mentioned, there's Amazon, Hulu& Huluplus, and even google has a new video streaming getup. Honestly, I pay the 7.99 for the streaming part of Netflix and love it. Granted, we don't have cable, but with 6 season of Shark Week on Netflix streaming, who needs cable? =D Hope you find something that works for you! I would advise you to make sure the interent connection is able to support streaming. I know at Johns Hopkins the "guest" internet is slow as molasses, but luckily my husband is a grad-student and I can log onto the super speed student& staff network.

You could always go the illegal route and just google "Watch such and such online free".


Queenofeverything should just have her court jesters entertain her. :p