
New member
hi, we are new to CF. we have a 3 month old son and we use chest therapy for now but was curious at what age or weight is good for starting the vest for his therapies. He is really big for his age and quickly out growing his 3 to 6 month old clothes. If anyone out there can give us advice about the vest we would greatly appreciate it. we do not know anyone who uses it.


New member
Hi Belinda,

My son started the vest when he was two, but my understanding now, is that many cf children start using the vest before their 1st birthday. This will probably be your case, if your son is a good height and weight (depending on what your cf clinic says). To be honest, the vest was such a relief to our family! CPT can be time consuming and my arms would just ache! In my opinion, the vest is more effective for my son's situation. He seems to clear mucous more easily and is more comfortable. Also, the people we have worked with at the vest company have been extremely helpful. Good luck!



My older daughter was diagnosed at 2 1/2 and started using the vest right away. With my second daughter they told me she had to wait until her chest measured 22 inches. I think they actually let her start using it a little before that though since I already had it in the house. She was probably around 2 also. Something close to that. I have heard opposite extremes, however. I have heard some people say they were told by their doctor that the child has to be at least 3 years old and others say they can start at around 6 months. It varies greatly. And age doesn't matter as much as size I think. The vest has to fit somewhat. I would certainly ask your doctor about it. Also, the people at Advanced Respiratory (the makers of the Vest) are wonderful. They may answer some general questions for you about size requirements. Obviously they won't give specifics on your child, but may be able to tell you in general terms what the smallest size available is. They can also help you with knowing if your insurance covers it and such. Their phone # is
1-800-426-4224. Best of luck to you. I can't even imagine having to do hand therapy anymore. Of course I would if it were necessary, by all means, but the vest makes life a great deal easier for myself and the girls.

Best wishes!


New member
Hi, My daughter started to use the vest a few months before her 3rd birhtday. I don't know if you have ever seen anyone using the vest before, but it vibrates around the persons chest area, and in my opinion it would be too much for a 1 year old. The vest also doesn't come in a very tiny size. I have a13 month old now w/0 CF, and even though she loves to sit next to her big sister and feel the vest vibrating, I don't think I would put it on her. Definetly ask your doctor thought. Our doctor let her try it at the office to see if it fit and if she would tolerate it. Good luck.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi ,
i have a 19m w/cf and i just spoke to the dr's about the vest they said every child is different the size of the chest has alot to do w/ when they can start to use the vest when the child is this young they will use the 1/2 vest vs the long one ask your dr for the pmplets on the vest then you can call the co that makes them and get more info. I also believe it has to do with how much coughing etc...i would like the vest because the CPT is getting harder he doesn't want to sit for it we have been doing this since he was three weeks old.


New member
my daughter got the vest when shewas 4 & 1/2. her chest was just about 22 inches. I have heard that the vest company will make them custom for smaller chest circumfrences, but I suppose that it would depend on your insurance and the doc's preference for someone to get the vest before the chest is around 22 inches (the Vest company told me that the regular small size vests have been started on kids who's chest measures as small as 19 inches though)
We ended up going with the MedPulse vest by electromed rather than the Hill-Rom one.
mom of Rachel nearly 6 with CF and Jonathan 10 weeks, carrier both with GERD


New member
Hi,my grandson also uses the vest and his cf doc also said that he had to wait until his chest was a certain size.So what from I can see your chest needs to be a certain size for them to fit you with a vest.


New member
I got the vest when it came out, since I participated in the study. I think I was about 4 or 5. I didn't like it at the time. I felt like it shook me too much and made me a bit nauseous. Maybe this is just because I had had manual PT for my whole life and wasn't used to the vest, but I didn't like it. It might be scary for a very young child to be shaking like that- or it might have just been me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Let me also say I have no problems with the vest now. I also remember when I was little and my mom did my PT, it was like a ritual that I enjoyed- I think it made getting into a lifelong routine with treatments easier. Just my two cents


New member
I tried the vest when I was 16 (I think at that time it had just come out for use)...and didnt like it at all.
I gotta give props to the "flutter" thats the way to go for me!! Small, simple, and yet productive! However, alot of people I know in the hospital use the vest and get great results from it!


New member
I use the flutter too! I never hear of other people using the flutter and my docs at the clinic keep trying to talk me into the acapella, but I just dont like it as much. I use the vest too, but dont notice too much of a difference, but I have the machine so I figure I should use it. It does get much mucus up so I follow it up with the flutter. I have to say that the vest sure beats the manual PT because as a college student I need the independence. I didnt get my vest till I was a teen so I am sorry I cant help you out on the appropriate age, but like someone else said the company should know or at least your doctor.