Uterus Transplant?


New member

ummm who are you to decide whats wrong for someone else. and another thing. whos to say its wrong. i mean surgery itself used to be only about saving lives. now look at it. There is plastic surgery, and all sorts of other surgeries that are done for small things that are nessicary but are done anyways. Are those wrong and imoral? who do you think you are to decide this for other people? maybe to Em its not all that horrible.

also do you realize what a contradiction "I think it is absolutely rediculous that a woman would be so childish herself to want such a transplant" is? think about it. wanting to carry your own children is childish? you know, if the option is there, and its plausible with out being totally outrageous why the hell not.

to sum this all up TAKE YOUR FREAKING NOSE OUT OF SOMEONE ELSES REPRODUCTIVE ISSUES. if she wanted you useless, and frankly moronic, opinions, im sure she would have asked.


New member
Supermanfan must be a guy (not saying that guys don't understand, but honestly, some just don't, and it's a different bond) or a dyke.

Either way, a uterus transplant isn't selfish if it serves a purpose and in this case it definitely would. But who's to say if the technology is there yet.

Good luck emily


New member
Emily, you are welcome...I was definitely going to make a point in your favor. A man does not know the desire most women feel to carry their own child. I've had two and it's been the best experience of my life. Emily, I truly hope you can carry your own children someday but if not....any child is a blessing whether through adoption, surragacy, or any others means that are out there. Good luck!



New member
There are many times that I don't agree with Emily, and other times that I get very upset with her "know it all attitude" (no offense), but this is something that I have to completely back her up on. First of all, it is apparent that she was ONLY asking a question and obvioulsy knows the reality of the answer. second of all, if this can be done in the future, it is WAY MORE moralistic that the BS of boob inplants, botox, etc. that people get so they can look pretty! We are talking about having a baby....the best thing that God (sorry Emily, I know you don't believe in him) could give us! So, back off and give the girl a chance to ask a question. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Sorry I come off that way ("know it all attitude"), but thanks for backing me up. And I've said before, I'll say it again. I don't believe in god, but I don't care if other people do. And children are certainly the best thing that _____ *fill in the blank given whatever your beliefs are* can give you, so I agree with you on that. Thanks. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Please explain Ryan/Mini....what is your point? By the way, what is Ryan/mini stand for anyway, maybe i missed it in another post.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">


New member
He's a friend of mine "irl" (woohoo for dorky internet lingo). I have another friend named Ryan that's been a close friend of mine for almost 7 years, and Mini only came along maybe 3 years ago. His last name starts with M. So rather quickly he became Mini M___ (last name). That was to keep from confusing him with my other friend Ryan, and it stuck. Now he's just stuck being my Mini. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
ok, so it explains that part, but what about the.... "ahhh i love it when people come together to shove someones face in the mud....and then proceed to step on their head. " I son't believe any faces werer "shoved" in the mud.............
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">


New member
I didn't answer that part because I don't know the answer to it. Haha. I'm not in his head, I just knew enough to explain why his name is Ryan/Mini.


New member
i was talking about the person that decided it would be a wonderfully idea to come on here and critizize someone for thinking about a transplant thats not nessicarily.....nessicary.


New member
Supermanfan, I just wanted to make a comment about your thoughts on uterus transplant. You Quoted "Just because you can't carry a child and give birth does not mean you can't live a normal life. "......well....I guess that depends on what you claim to be normal life. For many women with or without CF having a "Normal life" is extremely important. Conception is part of "normal life" isnt that what humans do? Procreate? Conception is far more than a bodily function, it is also a very emotional and mental function, and even though Emily65Roses may of had part of her bodily mechanics removed, doesnt mean that her emotional and mental side is any less functional, nor any less desiring to be able to have her own child. I feel your criticism is probably based on inexperience and you need to remember that normal life involves creating life. Good Luck to you Emily65Roses. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> AussieCF