E-cigs deliver an actually safe vapor of nicotine. It is so much safer than dip or smoke it's a simple choice. You do have to consider nicotine sessation if or when you develop issues associated with narcotics like chronic constipation, IBS, Crohn's disease and GERD become issues.
Regardless of the delivery method nicotine is a narcotic. You are habituated to nicotine already so there's no danger in developing a habit. I can almost guarantee it won't help you quit, were that a goal. I have given up trying to help my best friend quit smoking, having tried patches to e-cigs several times.
Given the choice, lose the round flat can and switch to e-cigs today. You have virtually no risks with nicotine vapor excepting the one you are trying to achieve. Do a short product comparison. Most e-cigs have no actual temperature control. I believe a new e-cig has been introduced that has some temperature control beyond "hot enough". E-cig batteries keep providing enough consistent power to keep the element at a near constant temperature while tiny vents limit the total air drawn to be heated and drawn past a cartridge of bees wax infused with nicotine. OK its a sophisticated PEG polymer so secret they won't risk patenting but it really is harmless. It isn't difficult to make safe organic gels and the tobacco industry is a leader in PEGelation, drug encapsulates, and a new nicotine products aren't your parent's cancer sticks.
Nicotine delivery can be transdermal patches, trans mucosal gums, nasal insufflation or inhaled vapor. Hopefully I've offered information that isn't too judgemental. I've lost an uncle and cared for a dear friend who survived oral cancer. Make the switch if you can, try to find an equivalent dose in an e-cig.