vegan diet


New member
Hey everyone.

I just discovered and joined this forum this morning, it looks to be very informative and useful.

I was wondering if anyone can offer any advice on a high calorie/cf vegan diet? Is it possible, are there any other (not calorie related) risks unique to cfers?

I have been vegetarian (no meat) for years, and now I am making an attempt at veganism (no animanl products, although I am starting with cutting out only eggs and dairy). I am doing this for humanitarian reasons, if that's any help... Also I am 20, female, and in fairly good health.



New member
Wow, you're taking on a huge challenge! Without dairy, I don't think I'd ever be able to get the calories I need. I'd try to talk you out of it, but it probably wouldn't work, huh? Oh, well. Good luck. =-)

22 w/cf


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Finally a fellow hippie!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
I can totally understand the logic behind the vegan attitude and it is a BIG life choice. Here's the part you knew was comming, the human body needs certain protien, nutrients, ect...which are hard to obtain without many of the products produced by animals. This does NOT imply that it is impossible, but very difficult and expensive. I'm guessing that if you brought this up to your CF docs they would veto it, and I'd have to agree, simply because once you start loosing your fat stores and your bady begins breaking down tissues (literally starving) it is very, very hard to get well again. Not to mention the backup needed to fight infection. The caloric needs alone would put you into a never-ending cycle of preparing and eating food. CFers have difficultly absorbing much of the nutrients that passes through our bodies. I would be afrad it would be easy to fill up on calories and still not get enough nutrients.

I'm sure you've considered all the other humanitarian ways to promote animal rights that won't affect your health.
Whew! Sorry to get all "mommy" on you's just that this age you are at now 18-25 sees the most dramatic drop in health for CFer's, predominatly in girls. I've had a fun, but very rough time in college and am just now beginning to feel better.
Oh, and welcome.


New member
I'm a meat and potatoes girl.
I don't want the world to be overtaken by cattle, pigs, etc. running amuck.
Why do you think God put them here, to be pets??
Maybe I'm not getting the meaning of "humanitarian"?? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I guess I'm just sheltered or something.


New member
im a meat and potatoes girl too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

i havent met a vegan whos yet to tell me that thier health has changed for the better. either they are constantly popping various vitamins and spending all day figuring out what they are going to eat, or they end up eating really bad foods and not taking any vitamins and wasting away. this is what i say to all vegetarians/vegans 'you wont save any animals by not eating meat'. and i guarantee you, you wont. by all means stay a vegetarian, but if you want to go a step further campaign against the cruel treatment of them, donate to animal welfare organisations, spread the word, protest [in a friendly manner of course], sign petitions etc etc. these things will benefit animals, being vegan wont.


New member
I'm sure you've seen this before, but check out the Vegitarian Resource Group,

They have some articles on Veganism and pregnancy, the needs are similar.


New member
I don't think you should really be mocking vegetarians it is there choice to be one or not the orignal post wanted information about her diet and wanted help for a high calorie/cf vegan diet not to be told that she shouldn't be one


New member
I'm not sure how a diet for a vegan works. I would assume it's not the best one for us though since we need every calorie we can get and cutting out a lot of high calorie foods isn't the best. If you want to be a vegan that's fine nothing against your beliefs I just don't think it's the healthiest diet for a CFer.


New member
Try avocado and nuts for good fats. Beans and rice together work well for protein. There are now lots of soy-based meat and milk substitutes available. If there's a Trader Joe or other health food store in your area, check it out. You'll have to learn to read labels, though, to be sure you're getting all the nutrients you need, especially vitamin B12 and zinc. But I assume you will also be taking a vitamin/mineral supplement, as well.

Bambi, Jordan's mom


New member least if they are against cruelty to animals, then they must also be pro-life<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
More power to 'em.


New member
Not true. I'm against cruelty to animals, but I'm pro-choice.

Oh and, I imagine it will be very hard to be a CFer who's a vegan, but if it doesn't start to kill you, I say go for it. You'll have to be taking some serious supplements, though.


New member
There is also a egg type thing...think its soy based....but its like real eggs but not...and has protein and such. Avacodes are good in calories and good fats....and you can use them in various things, nuts as well. Any type of bean....12 bean salad is yummy, so it 12 bean soup. If you go to any health food store I am sure you can find anything from products to recipe books. You may have to take extra vitamins but who doesnt take them anyway.
By the way I am a meat and potatoe girl and have nothing against vegans or vegitarians...its just what they want to do or like to eat, like how i like and want meat.


New member
god did not put them where they are now.

money hungry farmers bred them especially, their lives would not be if they were not created especailly to become plastic packaged meat on some supermarket shelf.

Cows etc came about to wander freely, eating grass, doing what cows 1000's of years ago did. Not be born, raised and killed within the confines of a tiny box where they get fed the cheapest feed possible, or hooked up permanently to milking tubes after their babies are taken from them as soon as they're born...

please don't try and be 'clever' with this, you'll only piss me off


New member
To each his (or her) own.
Personally, I would (or maybe that's COULD) never be a vegetarian, but let's keep the topic on getting adequate nutrition while being a vegan, since Mezzanine has her heart set on it, and that is what she asked about. Her reasons for being a vegan were just an aside.


New member
Do you know what company makes this fake egg things?

It sounds pretty interesting. I eat a lot of soy 'meat' and cheese for protein, eggs would be really good to have too.