
  • Thread starter NanaOf8GirlsAndCounting
  • Start date


My daughter just started babysitting for a two year old with no CF. As most know Graycie is two and has a very hard time of it since her birth. She is still testing postive for c diff and is now on vanco until Feb. However, my concern is that recently Graycie also started getting a running nose and a cough. It is green. Sorry if to much info. we are increasing her treatments and are trying to keep her off of any antibiotics due to the c diff. Well to make a long story short the other little girl she watches started coughing and sounding like a seal or a dog and had diarria. Her mom took her to the dr and they put her on antiboitic's and said it was a viral thing and it wasn't contagious. I don't know if this dr is aware of what CF is or not. Of course my daughter and the rest of the family agrees that it is not a wise decision to keep watching her due to the precarious health that Graycie has and we don't want to have her back in the hospital if we can help it. My daughter was going to send Graycie to pre-school next year but now is rethinking this. How on earth can we send her to preschool when we can't even be at ease with just one other child with her. I know we can't put her in a bubble but it scares that crap out of us knowing that she almost died the last time she was in the hospital. Would you wait until she is older before sending her to school next year? If we count up all the time she has been in the hospital since birth it is almost a yr of her life and she's only 2. How can we send her into a class full of children that may or may not get her sick again? Sorry so long and if I sound like a raving maniac that because thats how I am feeling right now.


My daughter just started babysitting for a two year old with no CF. As most know Graycie is two and has a very hard time of it since her birth. She is still testing postive for c diff and is now on vanco until Feb. However, my concern is that recently Graycie also started getting a running nose and a cough. It is green. Sorry if to much info. we are increasing her treatments and are trying to keep her off of any antibiotics due to the c diff. Well to make a long story short the other little girl she watches started coughing and sounding like a seal or a dog and had diarria. Her mom took her to the dr and they put her on antiboitic's and said it was a viral thing and it wasn't contagious. I don't know if this dr is aware of what CF is or not. Of course my daughter and the rest of the family agrees that it is not a wise decision to keep watching her due to the precarious health that Graycie has and we don't want to have her back in the hospital if we can help it. My daughter was going to send Graycie to pre-school next year but now is rethinking this. How on earth can we send her to preschool when we can't even be at ease with just one other child with her. I know we can't put her in a bubble but it scares that crap out of us knowing that she almost died the last time she was in the hospital. Would you wait until she is older before sending her to school next year? If we count up all the time she has been in the hospital since birth it is almost a yr of her life and she's only 2. How can we send her into a class full of children that may or may not get her sick again? Sorry so long and if I sound like a raving maniac that because thats how I am feeling right now.


My daughter just started babysitting for a two year old with no CF. As most know Graycie is two and has a very hard time of it since her birth. She is still testing postive for c diff and is now on vanco until Feb. However, my concern is that recently Graycie also started getting a running nose and a cough. It is green. Sorry if to much info. we are increasing her treatments and are trying to keep her off of any antibiotics due to the c diff. Well to make a long story short the other little girl she watches started coughing and sounding like a seal or a dog and had diarria. Her mom took her to the dr and they put her on antiboitic's and said it was a viral thing and it wasn't contagious. I don't know if this dr is aware of what CF is or not. Of course my daughter and the rest of the family agrees that it is not a wise decision to keep watching her due to the precarious health that Graycie has and we don't want to have her back in the hospital if we can help it. My daughter was going to send Graycie to pre-school next year but now is rethinking this. How on earth can we send her to preschool when we can't even be at ease with just one other child with her. I know we can't put her in a bubble but it scares that crap out of us knowing that she almost died the last time she was in the hospital. Would you wait until she is older before sending her to school next year? If we count up all the time she has been in the hospital since birth it is almost a yr of her life and she's only 2. How can we send her into a class full of children that may or may not get her sick again? Sorry so long and if I sound like a raving maniac that because thats how I am feeling right now.


New member
I've been following Graycie's story since you joined this forum and it breaks my heart to know all she's been through and contiues to go through. It is so frustrating that some can go years, sometimes decades with this $%#@ disease with little impact and others face such an onslaught literally from birth and just cannot seem to get a break.

You are right, we can't put our kids in a bubble. But you are also right that Graycie is not a typical kid, not even a typical kid with CF. Her health is incredibly fragile and you'll have to continue making choices day to day as time goes by based on what feels right for your family, with guidance from her care team- not based on what others who have not walked in your shoes try to tell you.

So I will say that I don't at all blame you for rethinking this decision. No kid 'needs' preschool at the age of three. Do many kids enjoy it and can it be 'good' for them? Absolutely. And in many situations when both parents work, preschool or daycare is necessary. But does the child 'need' it? No. And in her case- the germ exposure may very well far far far outweigh any possible benefits. She also does have interaction with siblings and multiple cousins, so she's not socially isolated by any means.

I wish the best, in this decision as well as w/ Graycie. I hope she can kick this c. diff that's made her so miserable w/o having to end up back in the hospital. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I've been following Graycie's story since you joined this forum and it breaks my heart to know all she's been through and contiues to go through. It is so frustrating that some can go years, sometimes decades with this $%#@ disease with little impact and others face such an onslaught literally from birth and just cannot seem to get a break.

You are right, we can't put our kids in a bubble. But you are also right that Graycie is not a typical kid, not even a typical kid with CF. Her health is incredibly fragile and you'll have to continue making choices day to day as time goes by based on what feels right for your family, with guidance from her care team- not based on what others who have not walked in your shoes try to tell you.

So I will say that I don't at all blame you for rethinking this decision. No kid 'needs' preschool at the age of three. Do many kids enjoy it and can it be 'good' for them? Absolutely. And in many situations when both parents work, preschool or daycare is necessary. But does the child 'need' it? No. And in her case- the germ exposure may very well far far far outweigh any possible benefits. She also does have interaction with siblings and multiple cousins, so she's not socially isolated by any means.

I wish the best, in this decision as well as w/ Graycie. I hope she can kick this c. diff that's made her so miserable w/o having to end up back in the hospital. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I've been following Graycie's story since you joined this forum and it breaks my heart to know all she's been through and contiues to go through. It is so frustrating that some can go years, sometimes decades with this $%#@ disease with little impact and others face such an onslaught literally from birth and just cannot seem to get a break.
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<br />You are right, we can't put our kids in a bubble. But you are also right that Graycie is not a typical kid, not even a typical kid with CF. Her health is incredibly fragile and you'll have to continue making choices day to day as time goes by based on what feels right for your family, with guidance from her care team- not based on what others who have not walked in your shoes try to tell you.
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<br />So I will say that I don't at all blame you for rethinking this decision. No kid 'needs' preschool at the age of three. Do many kids enjoy it and can it be 'good' for them? Absolutely. And in many situations when both parents work, preschool or daycare is necessary. But does the child 'need' it? No. And in her case- the germ exposure may very well far far far outweigh any possible benefits. She also does have interaction with siblings and multiple cousins, so she's not socially isolated by any means.
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<br />I wish the best, in this decision as well as w/ Graycie. I hope she can kick this c. diff that's made her so miserable w/o having to end up back in the hospital. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Because of DS' rough start, we thought long and hard about daycare/preschool and spoke at length with his doctor about it. Keeping in mind that at some point he would be going to school. So we decided we'd play it by ear. See how he did in a small group at a center -- one of 6 infants. And rethink things if he got sick. His doctor also had him on a prophalactic abx and RSV shots.

We have friends/relatives who had nannies or were sahm's whose kids were always sick. DH, his brother, cousins, niece & nephew were always sick as children with ear infections/strep. Seems like it runs on his side of the family, while on my side it was a rarity. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason why some kids always seem to get sick and others are just fine. Just seems to be luck of the draw. Ironic how prior to CF/children my fear was having to take off a lot of work due to ear infections.

Being that she's had such a rough go of it, might be wise to lay low and be cautious. And not worry about preschool next year. IMO, play things by ear, see where she is next year. And Harriet's right -- she doesn't need preschool at this age. She's got sisters who'll help her with socialization and playing with others.

We were fortunate in that DS seemed to do fine at preschool. Each milestone -- gymnastics, swimming lessons, sunday school -- I cringed. Worried about illness. I STILL worry. But if he hadn't done as well as he did, we would've made other arrangements.


Staff member
Because of DS' rough start, we thought long and hard about daycare/preschool and spoke at length with his doctor about it. Keeping in mind that at some point he would be going to school. So we decided we'd play it by ear. See how he did in a small group at a center -- one of 6 infants. And rethink things if he got sick. His doctor also had him on a prophalactic abx and RSV shots.

We have friends/relatives who had nannies or were sahm's whose kids were always sick. DH, his brother, cousins, niece & nephew were always sick as children with ear infections/strep. Seems like it runs on his side of the family, while on my side it was a rarity. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason why some kids always seem to get sick and others are just fine. Just seems to be luck of the draw. Ironic how prior to CF/children my fear was having to take off a lot of work due to ear infections.

Being that she's had such a rough go of it, might be wise to lay low and be cautious. And not worry about preschool next year. IMO, play things by ear, see where she is next year. And Harriet's right -- she doesn't need preschool at this age. She's got sisters who'll help her with socialization and playing with others.

We were fortunate in that DS seemed to do fine at preschool. Each milestone -- gymnastics, swimming lessons, sunday school -- I cringed. Worried about illness. I STILL worry. But if he hadn't done as well as he did, we would've made other arrangements.


Staff member
Because of DS' rough start, we thought long and hard about daycare/preschool and spoke at length with his doctor about it. Keeping in mind that at some point he would be going to school. So we decided we'd play it by ear. See how he did in a small group at a center -- one of 6 infants. And rethink things if he got sick. His doctor also had him on a prophalactic abx and RSV shots.
<br />
<br />We have friends/relatives who had nannies or were sahm's whose kids were always sick. DH, his brother, cousins, niece & nephew were always sick as children with ear infections/strep. Seems like it runs on his side of the family, while on my side it was a rarity. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason why some kids always seem to get sick and others are just fine. Just seems to be luck of the draw. Ironic how prior to CF/children my fear was having to take off a lot of work due to ear infections.
<br />
<br />Being that she's had such a rough go of it, might be wise to lay low and be cautious. And not worry about preschool next year. IMO, play things by ear, see where she is next year. And Harriet's right -- she doesn't need preschool at this age. She's got sisters who'll help her with socialization and playing with others.
<br />
<br />We were fortunate in that DS seemed to do fine at preschool. Each milestone -- gymnastics, swimming lessons, sunday school -- I cringed. Worried about illness. I STILL worry. But if he hadn't done as well as he did, we would've made other arrangements.
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New member
Hi--Totally agree with the other posts. I am a professor of early childhood education and know the research backwards and forwards about the benefits of preschool. What preschoolers need at age 3 can easily be done in the home---feeling secure, competent, trying new things, social interaction, etc. Exposure to print (reading books), blocks and puzzles, lots of opportunities to be creative, singing and music... But most of all, caring, responsive adults. My guess is she has all of this........... I have my students make homemade games for young children as one of their class assignments. I would love to have them make some for Graycie and send them to her. PM me if interested.



New member
Hi--Totally agree with the other posts. I am a professor of early childhood education and know the research backwards and forwards about the benefits of preschool. What preschoolers need at age 3 can easily be done in the home---feeling secure, competent, trying new things, social interaction, etc. Exposure to print (reading books), blocks and puzzles, lots of opportunities to be creative, singing and music... But most of all, caring, responsive adults. My guess is she has all of this........... I have my students make homemade games for young children as one of their class assignments. I would love to have them make some for Graycie and send them to her. PM me if interested.



New member
Hi--Totally agree with the other posts. I am a professor of early childhood education and know the research backwards and forwards about the benefits of preschool. What preschoolers need at age 3 can easily be done in the home---feeling secure, competent, trying new things, social interaction, etc. Exposure to print (reading books), blocks and puzzles, lots of opportunities to be creative, singing and music... But most of all, caring, responsive adults. My guess is she has all of this........... I have my students make homemade games for young children as one of their class assignments. I would love to have them make some for Graycie and send them to her. PM me if interested.
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<br />Chris


New member
thanks for posting mom! i am playing everything by ear for when its time to go to preschool. i have to sign her up now because they have a great program and there is a waiting list. at this time the therapist and early intervention come to my home 2 times a month to work with graycie. she is quite behind on speech. so when or if she would go to this school it would be the same people working with her. so they no her history. they also are helping me with setting up and IEP for when she starts school too. as for "needing" to go to school she really doesnt need too since i stay home and work with her. Plus she has 3 sisters and many many cousins to play with too. Right now i am focusing on getting rid of this c diff and getting thru the winter without another huge illness. I am babysitting on a as needed base now and feel better about my decision.


New member
thanks for posting mom! i am playing everything by ear for when its time to go to preschool. i have to sign her up now because they have a great program and there is a waiting list. at this time the therapist and early intervention come to my home 2 times a month to work with graycie. she is quite behind on speech. so when or if she would go to this school it would be the same people working with her. so they no her history. they also are helping me with setting up and IEP for when she starts school too. as for "needing" to go to school she really doesnt need too since i stay home and work with her. Plus she has 3 sisters and many many cousins to play with too. Right now i am focusing on getting rid of this c diff and getting thru the winter without another huge illness. I am babysitting on a as needed base now and feel better about my decision.


New member
thanks for posting mom! i am playing everything by ear for when its time to go to preschool. i have to sign her up now because they have a great program and there is a waiting list. at this time the therapist and early intervention come to my home 2 times a month to work with graycie. she is quite behind on speech. so when or if she would go to this school it would be the same people working with her. so they no her history. they also are helping me with setting up and IEP for when she starts school too. as for "needing" to go to school she really doesnt need too since i stay home and work with her. Plus she has 3 sisters and many many cousins to play with too. Right now i am focusing on getting rid of this c diff and getting thru the winter without another huge illness. I am babysitting on a as needed base now and feel better about my decision.


Staff member
Another worry I had was not necessarily the daycare/preschool children as they ran a pretty tight ship in terms of sanitation, sick practices. But with relatives at family get togethers. I don't know HOW many times someone has shown up at Thanksgiving or Christmas with pneumonia or some other respiratory infection, saying "it's 'just' a cold". Grr!

With older kids who are out and about, if you don't already do it -- enforce the handwashing and shoe removal once they get home. I also know a couple people who have their kids either change clothes right away or take their daily shower/bath right away. They swear it's helped cut down significantly on illness in their homes.


Staff member
Another worry I had was not necessarily the daycare/preschool children as they ran a pretty tight ship in terms of sanitation, sick practices. But with relatives at family get togethers. I don't know HOW many times someone has shown up at Thanksgiving or Christmas with pneumonia or some other respiratory infection, saying "it's 'just' a cold". Grr!

With older kids who are out and about, if you don't already do it -- enforce the handwashing and shoe removal once they get home. I also know a couple people who have their kids either change clothes right away or take their daily shower/bath right away. They swear it's helped cut down significantly on illness in their homes.


Staff member
Another worry I had was not necessarily the daycare/preschool children as they ran a pretty tight ship in terms of sanitation, sick practices. But with relatives at family get togethers. I don't know HOW many times someone has shown up at Thanksgiving or Christmas with pneumonia or some other respiratory infection, saying "it's 'just' a cold". Grr!
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<br />With older kids who are out and about, if you don't already do it -- enforce the handwashing and shoe removal once they get home. I also know a couple people who have their kids either change clothes right away or take their daily shower/bath right away. They swear it's helped cut down significantly on illness in their homes.