vertigo from coughing?


New member
Recently my husband started getting vertigo like symptoms when he does his airway clearances. He begins to feel numbing in his legs. If he cannot stop coughing, the sensation continues until his whole body is tingling, his ears are ringing, and the room begins to spin to the point that he must lay down and cannot move. Usually he vomits when this happens. He is very weak and dizzy for 10-20 minutes after. We asked the doctors and all just shrugged their shoulders. Does this happen to anyone else?


New member
Recently my husband started getting vertigo like symptoms when he does his airway clearances. He begins to feel numbing in his legs. If he cannot stop coughing, the sensation continues until his whole body is tingling, his ears are ringing, and the room begins to spin to the point that he must lay down and cannot move. Usually he vomits when this happens. He is very weak and dizzy for 10-20 minutes after. We asked the doctors and all just shrugged their shoulders. Does this happen to anyone else?


New member
Recently my husband started getting vertigo like symptoms when he does his airway clearances. He begins to feel numbing in his legs. If he cannot stop coughing, the sensation continues until his whole body is tingling, his ears are ringing, and the room begins to spin to the point that he must lay down and cannot move. Usually he vomits when this happens. He is very weak and dizzy for 10-20 minutes after. We asked the doctors and all just shrugged their shoulders. Does this happen to anyone else?
<br />Gemini


New member
I sort of have those symptoms somtimes too. When I have a hard coughing fit, I can get light headed and dizzy, also ringing ears and a flushed face. I dot vomit though. Hope your husband finds a way to minimize the occurences or at least make them more bearable.


New member
I sort of have those symptoms somtimes too. When I have a hard coughing fit, I can get light headed and dizzy, also ringing ears and a flushed face. I dot vomit though. Hope your husband finds a way to minimize the occurences or at least make them more bearable.


New member
I sort of have those symptoms somtimes too. When I have a hard coughing fit, I can get light headed and dizzy, also ringing ears and a flushed face. I dot vomit though. Hope your husband finds a way to minimize the occurences or at least make them more bearable.