Very Confused


New member
My son is 15 months old. He has had to be put on breathing treatments about 5 times since 4 months old. This past week he was wheezing, coughing, vomiting and fever, so i took him to er. He was hospitalized for 4 days with bronchiolitis. He also had been constipated for a few days. xrays showed bowel obstruction, he was given an enema and he passed his stool. The drs never brought up cf, but i looked it up on the internet and when i read the symptom of bowel obstruction that frightened me. would it be constant obstruction problems? would he show more symptoms? i'm really confused. i went as far as tasting his skin to see if it is salty. it was a little salty. Would it be very salty? also he is on treatments which contain sodium chloride and his steriods make him retain salt. Maybe that could be it. Should i ask his dr to test him or am i over paraniod HELP any info on cf could really help
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
I would suggest that you get him tested. Since he does show some of the symptoms it would be best to either rule out CF or get him diagnosed so he can start the proper treatment. My dd showed mild symptoms since birth, but it was not all put together until she was in 2nd grade. So better to be safe and have him are not paranoid, you are just a mom that wants the best for their child and I am finding out that sometimes you do have to push to get it!


New member
No you are not paranoid. I ask my doctor if my baby could have CF and she said NO because no one in my family has it and my niece is small. Well months went by and she was not better and I finally saw a specialist at 10 months and she had CF. So no you tell the doctor to test him. They think because no one in your family has it that the baby doesn't. Well it happen to me. My daughter is 9yrs old now.

You learn that the doctors don't know everything.

If you want to email me:

Good Luck

Rose Wood


New member
Most dx of CF are without known family history. CF can be a develish illness & tricky at best. If in doubt have the blood test done, but for immediate possible results go with the sweat test. Better safe then sorry. The sooner a CF patient gets the proper care the better!


New member
Im 11 years old and i was diegnost with cf when i was 2 weeks old they tested me cause i was having problems going to the bathroom and i was having alot of stomick problems as a babby and then they tested me and found out i had cf. so i sugjest you ask for a cf test before it gets any worse. they will probubly suggest enzyms to you if it is cf.


New member
Hi i am Halee and when i was born i had to have enemas and had bowel obstuction. My skin was fairly salty. But not that salty. If i was you i would ask your doctor to check him. And just to let you know im free to talk any time. And yes i do have CF.


New member
Hi my name is Alexandria and im 11 i have cf. there was 3 ppl who had cf at my Elementary school last year but one of the ppl that had cf died and she was in 2nd grade. Now everyone thinks im gunna die when im 18. But i dont believe and almost every week some one will coe up to me and ask if i will die when im 18.


New member
Hi my name is Alexandria and im 11 i have cf. there was 3 ppl who had cf at my Elementary school last year but one of the ppl that had cf died and she was in 2nd grade. Now everyone thinks im gunna die when im 18. But i dont believe and almost every week some one will coe up to me and ask if i will die when im 18.


New member
I'm 24 and still have people asking me if I'm going to die whenever I'm sick. More often then not its ignorant people asking me that. One's who don't care to take an active interest in my health and condition.


New member
I'm 24 and still have people asking me if I'm going to die whenever I'm sick. More often then not its ignorant people asking me that. One's who don't care to take an active interest in my health and condition.


New member
hi, my name is Hanna and I have the same problem.It took my parents 3 years till they found out I had cf.i got tested also.i just hope theyfind a cure so i don't have to deal w/ cf my hole life.

11 years old

ps i liked your little story


New member
hi, my name is Hanna and Im 11. your actualy pretty lucky to know someone w/ cf.i don't have anyone around where i live well probably an older person thet i don't know of and i still haven't met anyone w/ cf.A few years ago in my towns newspaper it said that i was the only child with cf in my town. not everyone in my elementry school know's i have cf so not a whole lot of people ask me if i am going to die. some times i get worried about that.

ps i bet your a great person


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

hi, my name is Hanna and Im 11. your actualy pretty lucky to know someone w/ cf.i don't have anyone around where i live well probably an older person thet i don't know of and i still haven't met anyone w/ cf.A few years ago in my towns newspaper it said that i was the only child with cf in my town. not everyone in my elementry school know's i have cf so not a whole lot of people ask me if i am going to die. some times i get worried about that.

Hanna</end quote></div>


New member

My name is Brittany I am 13 and I have cf.
I was 8 months when my parents found out I had cf.

The reason my parents thought there was something wrong when I had a very deep caugh and I was spitting up a big amount of mucus.

It is a good thing that you are paraniod Because the earler you find out the better his case will be.

A cupple of months ago I was having problems with my stomach.

I was vomiting all the time and my stomach was hard as a rock.

That is also a sign of cf.

and I might have to have surgry because my small intestine is enlarged.

I am sitting at the nurses station in the hosptial writing this to you.

But I would ask for a sweat test to be done to see if he has cf.

If you have any more questions you can email me @


New member
Hi I am a sister of one with C.F. I really dont think you are paranoid this is your child and you have the write to know and I believe if you really care, which i know you do why else would you post that question, you would go see if your baby has CF...
Ashley Thomas