Very discouraged
I suggest charting for 6 months before purchasing a single OPK. A negative test - no matter what the "test" is is negative on the mind. I believe conception needs little stress in the mother's system and negative thinking is stressful. Think of it as a 6 month training session... eat well, exercise, and watch your cycle. Cleanse your mind too. Don't allow yourself to obsess. Also keep reading about pregnancy and children and surround yourself with pregnant people and children if you can.
I suggest charting for 6 months before purchasing a single OPK. A negative test - no matter what the "test" is is negative on the mind. I believe conception needs little stress in the mother's system and negative thinking is stressful. Think of it as a 6 month training session... eat well, exercise, and watch your cycle. Cleanse your mind too. Don't allow yourself to obsess. Also keep reading about pregnancy and children and surround yourself with pregnant people and children if you can.