Very old home


New member
I was reading on this site about the couple that had three kids with CF and got a new house build, and i was just wonderig. we have live in our old home for 15 years, but now that we have our cf baby we are wondering about how living in a old home afect him. Do most of you that have CF babys live in newer homes? My son is 12 months old and he was possitive for pseudomonas. we are now in our last week of cipro and tobi. Do babys that live in newer home stay heathyer? We have two older kids that do not have CF and moving to a new home is out of the questing because my husband is the only one that work know and our income is not that great. especially with all the doct visits and medications.

Mom to 12 months w/CF


Staff member
Mold can grow about anywhere. In fact on those primetime news shows that have stories about mold always have brand new homes where there's a mold problem. We live in a house that was built in the late 70s. liza


New member
We have a 3 year old boy with CF and live in a 1931 wood frame house surrounded by trees. Our son has been in good health with just sporadic appearances of pseudomonas that cipro/tobi seems to clear up (or at least keep under control). We too can't afford to just move to a new house and I quite frankly don't think it would offer any promise of freedom from germ/mold worries. The most frequent cause I hear of moldy houses is actually in newer homes that are super-insulated and sealed so they don't breath like our drafty old place.


New member
The only thing I have heard that might be a problem with a house is not related to the house's age. Thats allergies. I'm not really sure how much worse CFers are with allergies. I'm trying to allergy proof my house right now for both my daughter with CF and me. It means getting rid of the carpet mainly. Other things to consider would be having your AC duct work cleaned, but that's regardless of the age of the house as well. Even in my "de-allegrizing" your house research, I didn't come across anything negative about older houses.

If anyone has information on why an older house is worse for CFers, I sure would be interested in it.


New member
we live in a 1973 mobile home. in the middle of a pasture. try as a i may, the roof still has a couple small leaks if its rains extra hard. the bathroom floor and wall has mildew and mold on it. and my son plays outside in the dogs water bowl, and his food bowl. he goes swimming at the river and public pools too. he will be two in August, and he has never had pseudomonas, or anything bad like that. hes had pneumonia once and URI twice and several ear infections. but hes been healthier than his cousin of the same age who he lived with for almost a year and a half.
most of the inside of our home has been remodeled, but the carpet is still ten years old. so i would have to say that the age of the house has nothing to do with the health of your child.