

New member
Does anyone else like the taste of vinegar? i mean, really like it. The other day I told a friend to put a little vinegar when cooking rice a roni and it tates good... well, okay, when i say little, I mean two or three ounces, but I think it tastes good! She just called me and said it was disgusting. The funny thing is, she like those nasty slat and vinegar flavored potato chips, and I can't stand them, but give me some real vinegar and mmmmm.... Anyway, so.... are my taste buds dead because of Tobi? That's all I can figure, 'cause i tried an experiment of drinking vinegar straight from the bottle and I had no problem.... I mean, it still tastes really strong like vinegar, but I like it. It's like... drinking really intense soda. =-) Anyway, just curious if it had anything to do with CF.


New member
That sounds gross, but I get these craving like a pregnant woman when I am on some meds, soo who knows. Hahaha