voice never came back


New member
My 4 yr old daughter's voice never came back after taking TOBI this last time. It's been two months and her voice is so hoarse and quiet. She also has to clear her throat a lot. Could it be a result from the TOBI or could it be something else? She says it doesn't hurt but it sounds like it would. Isn't two months too long for it to be a side effect from the TOBI?


New member
Have her checked for Acid Reflux. I had this same problem when on Tobi, but it was the combo of Acid Reflux and the Tobi that was doing it. When I started treating the Acid Reflux with Prilosec I was fine.


New member
Think it is one of the side effects. We were told to contact our doctor should hoarseness occur when using tobi. Liza


Digital opinion leader
One of my sons had that problem. Our doctor said some people just have that happen or it sometimes is from a fungal infection (from the tOBI). We did sporinox for a while, but it happened every time. It did get better later in the month.


New member
I am just guessing, but if it was the TOBI, she would probably be feeling some throat pain as well as the lost voice. (also, that side effect usually does not last for two months.) However, whenever I am really congested, I know people will tell me my voice sounds painful but I do not feel any pain at all. It is possible some of the bacteria developed a resistance to the TOBI. That could cause a lot of congestion and a lost voice.


New member
I had this effect from Tobi too and my voice did not come back until I took Voltaren tablets (contain Diclofenac) for only some days. I noticed a difference to the better after the first tablet already! In my case I was hoarse because my vocal cords were swollen and Voltaren/Diclofenac does help against swelling.



New member
Oh and I did not feel any pain and had no other problem, just my voice was gone.
My cf-doc had no idea what to do, the people from Tobi had no idea and also the specialist for throat/ears/nose did not know what to do...A doctor whom I visited for magnetic therapy at that time told me to try the Voltaren and that was my rescue!!!



New member
Thanks Uli. Allie has a check up tomorrow and I'm going to ask about the Voltaren. I hope they can tell me something tomorrow b/c I'm worried she will always sound this way. Guess I'm just worried......


New member
When I started on TOBI my voice left for about 1 week...this was a good thing for my boyfriend at the time <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It came back on its own. Hope it works out for Allie.