

New member
This isn't really a problem, but more of a question/intersting observation. I have always heard that people deepen thier voice by yelling, coughing, etc. So wouldn't you think that people with CF would have really deep voices? I was wondering about this after getting mistaken for a woman on the phone for like the 50th time. It doesn't really bother me, but why doesn't the coughing strain/strengthen/w/e the the vocal chords and make my voice deeper?


New member
<span style="color: #3366ff; font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">haha! i've often been mistaken for a man over the phone<img title="Laughing" src="/include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-laughing.gif" alt="Laughing" border="0" />


New member
My voice is deeper almost as deep as my hubby's. I have vocal cord issues and frequent laringitis. Give your voice another 10-12 years...


New member
heheeh, sometimes I lose my voice in the middle of winter or it deepens. Seems to improve over the summer when I cough less, so the damage seems somewhat reversable. My singing voice has gotten worse over the years, prob from a combo of the cough and acid reflux.


New member
My voice is terribe! (though others might not even notice). It gets hoarse, skratchy, squeeky, nasaly, high-pitched, all at the same time. Its probably the most unattractive thing one could possibly imagine. I think its pretty funny sometimes how absurd I sound. The weird thing is people who call me (and don't know me) or when I call a customer service number always say, "can I talk to your mommy or daddy please?" Ummmm ok. Too bad I'm 34 years old! Geesh, now that gets frustrating!