


Does anyone know of ways to volunteer for CF charities?
Actually to be more specific, when I was younger and in the hospital a few times I was visited by a volunteer that had board games and they just went from room to room and played with kids who had long stays in the hospital. Is that hospital specific or do specific groups do that kind of thing? I'd be really interested in that, but any help would be appreciated.


Super Moderator
I'm not sure about your first question but from what you are describing in your paragraph, I think that is more leaning towards volunteering in a certain hospital. That might require a number of hours to be volunteering per year or month.

Like you mentioned, There might even be actual charities that do similar things related to what you're thinking of. I personally don't know of any.


New member
And if you have CF it might not be the best thing to do if you mean give of your personal time to be in there doing that - it just exposes you to too much bad bugs. Personally I avoid the hospital like the plague as much as I can, even when I need IVs I request to come in for the treatments and leave rather than staying in there for 2 weeks, even if that means I gotta go in at ridiculous times and lose sleep. I'd probably lose sleep in there with them uncomfortable beds anyway and the hospital here has no clue on how to feed someone with CF so staying there cuts my food intake compared to what I do on my own. They just know how to care for people with common stuff like Diabetes, heart issues, high blood pressure, asthma that sort of thing. I don't think most of you have those things to deal with like me though, at least I'm lucky enough that my primary Doctor knows this and so does my RT so they tend to push and allow for me to not have to stay there unless I'm REALLY bad which thankfully hasn't been so in years, knock on wood


New member
My cf organization is looking for volunteers to do fundraising if that's something you might be interested in.


New member
Often orgs like local CFF chapters, Hospital fundraisers, ect. like to have poster children (so to to say). Unfortunately there is quite a bit of compassion fatigue at the moment and a great many places need volunteers, but not necessarily for CF. Through my work with United Way and the VOA I have met and done work related to CF issues, like social & environmental justice and health reform. So it could be good to broaden you search parameters and see if you could bring a unique lens of experience pertaining to the issue or activity of voulenteering. Right Now there will be need for back to school stuff and disability is something that schools may need help organizing efforts around (ensuring the nesecities for people of different ability in this time of budget cuts) often acting as a advocate for things like that is especially.

Also there are things like meal on wheels or other differently abled/limited ability services that you could help with in you community. usually the United Way's or what have you's will have people who can help you find oppertuinites appropriate to your skills.

Do keep in mind that sometimes people just need help and orgs do not care about what special insight or abilities you have as much as the fat that you have arms and legs to help with labor... it's not glamorous, but necessary and usually fun. I have met many interesting people doing grunt work at food pantries, non-profits, and shelters.

I guess what I am trying to say is that advocating for CF is great, but you are also human so doing work for the common welfare or for broad topics like disability policy and funding is equally valuable.

(I apologies for the spelling and grammar errors I have a concussion)

Have fun and do unto others! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
