I cant do Tobi either. One reason is because I would cough so bad that it would induce vomitting. Same goes with HS. I do HS only when I need extra help with clearance. Do u spit out or swallow ur mucus? If you swallow, ur stomach cannot digest mucus, so it will come out another way...vomitting. So spit out ur mucus...tissue, sink, ground, toliet, cup...just get it out. If you are having nasal drainage, same thing will happen...cant digest & will get out another way. I have a bigger issue with vomitting when I have a sinus infection because of all the drainage.
I do hear rattles in my chest...but not all the time. That usually means I some mucus in there that needs to get out. If you have an accapella or flutter, do that for a few minutes to try to get it out or do huffing exercises to get it out. It never hurts to do regular saline (not HS) neb treatments just to add some mosture (sp?) to your secretions. Also, drink, drink, drink (I'm guilty of not drinking enought)...drinking more will thin the secretions out.
Welcome to the site! Hope you stick around and get to know us. It's nice to have a place to go where ppl understand CF and you realize you are not alone in what you are feeling or going through...that's what the site has done for me.