Just stumbled over this article...<br><br><A HREF="http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2011/0808/features-biotech-fred-van-goor-medicines-drug-your-own_2.html">http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2011/0808/features-biotech-fred-van-goor-medicines-drug-your-own_2.html</A><br><br>'Mark Schoenebaum, an analyst at investment advisor ISI Group, expects
that if the combo approach doesn't work, Vertex will price VX-770 at
$250,000 per patient per year and see sales eventually reach $500
million.'<br><br>I know Pulmozyme and others are expensive but surely this is getting ridiculous.<br><br>I'm not in the US so I can't comment fully on the system there but with treatments in this price range surely this is just pushing it too far for health insurance providers.<br>
that if the combo approach doesn't work, Vertex will price VX-770 at
$250,000 per patient per year and see sales eventually reach $500
million.'<br><br>I know Pulmozyme and others are expensive but surely this is getting ridiculous.<br><br>I'm not in the US so I can't comment fully on the system there but with treatments in this price range surely this is just pushing it too far for health insurance providers.<br>