I got excited, then let down, told I didn't have the G551D. Had my nurse double check and then she said I did. I am excited but afraid that there is another mistake and that I don't actually have it, so I am sort of in limbo.
It is truly hard to NOT have bad feelings that you don't have the gene they are addressing, so don't feel bad about that. You are entitled to those feelings! You can be happy for others while grieving for yourself, too.
But any progress they make with one mutation/drug will provide more information for others. It's terribly difficult to think of having to wait, but we are much closer than when I was diagnosed and my parents were told I wouldn't live to be a teenager. Yet, here I am and it's all because things ARE progressing and seem to be moving at a faster rate.
In the meantime, don't beat yourself up because you are disappointed or jealous. You are a human and you have cf, and you are tapped into your "self-preservation," that's all.