waiting for results is the pits!!!


New member
My son's 40 mutation panel went out last week - a week ago today. I still have heard nothing and I am starting to over obsess. My pedi has assured me from day one that he will NOT have CF - he is too big - too low sweats etc etc. He ordered the panel so he will have to tell me if he has a mutation or a diagnosis. I am confident that I may say something along the lines of "well I guess YOU were wrong eh?!" if he does have even one mutation from that panel. Or would I just be speechless and not care that he was wrong? At this point I just want answers for my son, it has been a long road to them!

What were your reactions at diagnosis if you don't mind sharing?


New member
My son's 40 mutation panel went out last week - a week ago today. I still have heard nothing and I am starting to over obsess. My pedi has assured me from day one that he will NOT have CF - he is too big - too low sweats etc etc. He ordered the panel so he will have to tell me if he has a mutation or a diagnosis. I am confident that I may say something along the lines of "well I guess YOU were wrong eh?!" if he does have even one mutation from that panel. Or would I just be speechless and not care that he was wrong? At this point I just want answers for my son, it has been a long road to them!

What were your reactions at diagnosis if you don't mind sharing?


New member
My son's 40 mutation panel went out last week - a week ago today. I still have heard nothing and I am starting to over obsess. My pedi has assured me from day one that he will NOT have CF - he is too big - too low sweats etc etc. He ordered the panel so he will have to tell me if he has a mutation or a diagnosis. I am confident that I may say something along the lines of "well I guess YOU were wrong eh?!" if he does have even one mutation from that panel. Or would I just be speechless and not care that he was wrong? At this point I just want answers for my son, it has been a long road to them!

What were your reactions at diagnosis if you don't mind sharing?


New member
My son's 40 mutation panel went out last week - a week ago today. I still have heard nothing and I am starting to over obsess. My pedi has assured me from day one that he will NOT have CF - he is too big - too low sweats etc etc. He ordered the panel so he will have to tell me if he has a mutation or a diagnosis. I am confident that I may say something along the lines of "well I guess YOU were wrong eh?!" if he does have even one mutation from that panel. Or would I just be speechless and not care that he was wrong? At this point I just want answers for my son, it has been a long road to them!

What were your reactions at diagnosis if you don't mind sharing?


New member
My son's 40 mutation panel went out last week - a week ago today. I still have heard nothing and I am starting to over obsess. My pedi has assured me from day one that he will NOT have CF - he is too big - too low sweats etc etc. He ordered the panel so he will have to tell me if he has a mutation or a diagnosis. I am confident that I may say something along the lines of "well I guess YOU were wrong eh?!" if he does have even one mutation from that panel. Or would I just be speechless and not care that he was wrong? At this point I just want answers for my son, it has been a long road to them!

What were your reactions at diagnosis if you don't mind sharing?


New member
I remember my mother being hysterical on the public phone back to home telling them of the diagnoses.

I remember feeling relieve. Having answers & stopping the painful, awful poop that haunted the first 7 years of my life.

Obsessing wont speed things up or change the outcome. You need to focus on your child & not the testing itself right now.

HUGS to you!


New member
I remember my mother being hysterical on the public phone back to home telling them of the diagnoses.

I remember feeling relieve. Having answers & stopping the painful, awful poop that haunted the first 7 years of my life.

Obsessing wont speed things up or change the outcome. You need to focus on your child & not the testing itself right now.

HUGS to you!


New member
I remember my mother being hysterical on the public phone back to home telling them of the diagnoses.

I remember feeling relieve. Having answers & stopping the painful, awful poop that haunted the first 7 years of my life.

Obsessing wont speed things up or change the outcome. You need to focus on your child & not the testing itself right now.

HUGS to you!


New member
I remember my mother being hysterical on the public phone back to home telling them of the diagnoses.

I remember feeling relieve. Having answers & stopping the painful, awful poop that haunted the first 7 years of my life.

Obsessing wont speed things up or change the outcome. You need to focus on your child & not the testing itself right now.

HUGS to you!


New member
I remember my mother being hysterical on the public phone back to home telling them of the diagnoses.

I remember feeling relieve. Having answers & stopping the painful, awful poop that haunted the first 7 years of my life.

Obsessing wont speed things up or change the outcome. You need to focus on your child & not the testing itself right now.

HUGS to you!


New member
I am trying SO hard to keep in mind that what is there is there no matter what I do or how much I worry! But it just isn't working!!! LOL, i will just keep at it!!! Thanks for the hugs!


New member
I am trying SO hard to keep in mind that what is there is there no matter what I do or how much I worry! But it just isn't working!!! LOL, i will just keep at it!!! Thanks for the hugs!


New member
I am trying SO hard to keep in mind that what is there is there no matter what I do or how much I worry! But it just isn't working!!! LOL, i will just keep at it!!! Thanks for the hugs!


New member
I am trying SO hard to keep in mind that what is there is there no matter what I do or how much I worry! But it just isn't working!!! LOL, i will just keep at it!!! Thanks for the hugs!


New member
I am trying SO hard to keep in mind that what is there is there no matter what I do or how much I worry! But it just isn't working!!! LOL, i will just keep at it!!! Thanks for the hugs!


New member
Hugs and prayers to you and yours and I agree with Melissa - your child first, the rest later. Unfortunaly, doctors are humans too and they make mistakes and say things they shouldn't....I do it all the time (said with a blush).


New member
Hugs and prayers to you and yours and I agree with Melissa - your child first, the rest later. Unfortunaly, doctors are humans too and they make mistakes and say things they shouldn't....I do it all the time (said with a blush).


New member
Hugs and prayers to you and yours and I agree with Melissa - your child first, the rest later. Unfortunaly, doctors are humans too and they make mistakes and say things they shouldn't....I do it all the time (said with a blush).


New member
Hugs and prayers to you and yours and I agree with Melissa - your child first, the rest later. Unfortunaly, doctors are humans too and they make mistakes and say things they shouldn't....I do it all the time (said with a blush).


New member
Hugs and prayers to you and yours and I agree with Melissa - your child first, the rest later. Unfortunaly, doctors are humans too and they make mistakes and say things they shouldn't....I do it all the time (said with a blush).