Hey guys-
I used to be a cross country runner (in the good old days) then a walker, then a runner...now I always do both in a workout. If your joints can stand it it is better to do both because it helps you get out of a rythm. When we are running, we can get in a rythm and you can kepp your breathing going without really challenging your lungs to go reaaal deep....same with just walking. I have been blessed to have amazing trainers in LA and Dallas and I learned this from both. In LA, I always did a 10 minute warm-up walking or riding the bike...then we would hit it.
1 minute on bike at level 7 keeping rpms above 90.....then i minute back at level 1....do this a couple times
2 minutes on the treadmill at 3.7, then 2 minutes at a fast clip..for me it was 6.7, but I'm sure some of you are way faster than me. ...then back to 2 minutes at the walk.
Then sprint as fast as possible for 30 seconds....and cool down for 1 minute at 3.7
He told me, although I didn't believe him in the beginning, that this challenges your lungs more.....sprinting whether on the bike, track, or treadmill is fantastic for the lungs...for me, this is totally the case.
Also great for the lungs is jump-rope...after I saw Million Dollar Baby I wanted to train like a boxer.....so we started learning to jump rope properly....I SUCKED so badly......but, I felt so great and I coughed so much I decided to make it an every day deal....Now, I have it down to 120 jumps per minute resting 30 secs between and we do that three times.
The key is to vary a workout so that your body does not grow accustomed to things....it can't cheat if it doesn't know what is coming next...you will always be working your lungs.
Also, I am really competitive and this type of workout makes me challenge myself more.
mandy....never logged in <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">