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people with CF have a hard time digesting foods with a lot of fat and grease, hence the need for digestive enzymes as their bodies lack the natural enzymes to break down the fat and grease. Also, someone with Cf needs to eat substanciall more than someone without CF. My husband is a 24yo with CF, he is 6ft and 185 lbs. That is fairly unsuall for someone with CF to weigh that much. He attributes it to his HIGH!!!! caloric and protein diet. The average person his age, height and weight would need 200-2500 calories a day. My husband continually eats 4500-6000 a day depending on his activity, and eats twice the amount of protein as his body weight, so about 350grams of protein a day as well. Basically, he eats around the clock, about every hour or two. We have a letter from his nutritionis regarding his caloric/protein intake and needs, I would be happy for forward that to you at a private email address if you are interested. Just email me at jaraysbrook@nmcsd.med.navy.mil



New member
people with CF have a hard time digesting foods with a lot of fat and grease, hence the need for digestive enzymes as their bodies lack the natural enzymes to break down the fat and grease. Also, someone with Cf needs to eat substanciall more than someone without CF. My husband is a 24yo with CF, he is 6ft and 185 lbs. That is fairly unsuall for someone with CF to weigh that much. He attributes it to his HIGH!!!! caloric and protein diet. The average person his age, height and weight would need 200-2500 calories a day. My husband continually eats 4500-6000 a day depending on his activity, and eats twice the amount of protein as his body weight, so about 350grams of protein a day as well. Basically, he eats around the clock, about every hour or two. We have a letter from his nutritionis regarding his caloric/protein intake and needs, I would be happy for forward that to you at a private email address if you are interested. Just email me at jaraysbrook@nmcsd.med.navy.mil
