wat is the life span for someone with cf?


New member
the median age is 36.8. You can find more info like that on cff.org
mother to Maxwell (waiting on DNA results to confirm tentative dx)


New member
Lifespan increases over the years, especially with all the new treatments coming out, etc. That being said, there are many CFers living into their 40s and 50s as well.


New member
It also depends on who you ask. Some Dr.'s still say 35. The average being 40% is 36.8 precent. At my clinic we have 4 people in their 50's..^_^


New member
It also depends on who you ask. Some Dr.'s still say 35. The average being 40% is 36.8 precent. At my clinic we have 4 people in their 50's..^_^


New member
The average life-span has increased dramatically in the last 30
years.  When I was diagnosed in 1970.  The average life
span was 3 years old, and I was 2.  The CF Foundation is now
quoting 36.8 years, when that question is asked.<br>
I am now <b>38 years old</b> and have been playing hockey since I
was 4.  Believe it or not I still play ice-hockey 3 to 4 times
a week in a couple of leagues.  Work full-time, plus some as
an accountant.  Have a wonderful wife of 13 years and a 9
year-old daughter.<br>
So be positive and the median age will be in the forty's before no
Love always,<br>
Lungboy9 (Dbl Lung Transplant 9/20/03)


New member
HI, I am a mum with a 15 yr old cf daughter. I looked at lots of the replies to your question and you are often given the 'average'. Remember that the average is worked out by counting the very very sick people who are in hopsital every few weeks and the very well people. My daughter for example has only been in hospital 2x since 2001.
I dont think anyone can really say how long YOU will live (only God knows that anyway). But I know that, good diet, lots of excercise and getting medication and physio when you need it makes a HUGE difference.

You need to ask your doctors lots of questions about YOU. Because every CFer has different levels of the sypmptoms. My daughters doctor also said, some people can be really well when they are younger and get worse and others are bad when they are young and their sympotoms improve as they get older. He also said that he knows 70 year olds with CF.

You need to take good care of yourself, special care maybe, but good care. And be grateful that you are able to sit and chat, but more than that - get out there and DO LIFE!!!!!!

All the best


New member
There are different numbers/averages of life spans as i live in the UK where life span is 31 whereas in the US its 36.8years


New member
There are different numbers/averages of life spans as i live in the UK where life span is 31 whereas in the US its 36.8years


New member
There are different numbers/averages of life spans as i live in the UK where life span is 31 whereas in the US its 36.8years


New member
The median is 36.8 years old, does anyone know what the mean is? Also, the life expecetancy for us has been growing for a long time...I don't think I have seen the #'s ever decrease. Eventually those #'s are going to hit a wall thoe, I mean they are not gona keep going into the 90's or anything, but where do you guys think this cap will be?


New member
The median is 36.8 years old, does anyone know what the mean is? Also, the life expecetancy for us has been growing for a long time...I don't think I have seen the #'s ever decrease. Eventually those #'s are going to hit a wall thoe, I mean they are not gona keep going into the 90's or anything, but where do you guys think this cap will be?


New member
The median is 36.8 years old, does anyone know what the mean is? Also, the life expecetancy for us has been growing for a long time...I don't think I have seen the #'s ever decrease. Eventually those #'s are going to hit a wall thoe, I mean they are not gona keep going into the 90's or anything, but where do you guys think this cap will be?


New member
it depends on how serious the cf is.Some people are practically normal and will live into their 70s wheras others will struggle to get out of their teens.


New member
it depends on how serious the cf is.Some people are practically normal and will live into their 70s wheras others will struggle to get out of their teens.