Waterpark Upate


New member
Hiya, we went to the waterpark yesterday and had a REALLY good time. When we got there, the session was full (there is a max of 100 people allowed inside at a time) but thankfully we only had to wait 20 minutes or so to get in. Sydney (2 wcf) had fun playing outside with her cousins while we waited-she has fun just about anywhere she goes! She was SO EXCITED once we got inside and said "Go Go Go Go..." until we were ready to get in. My husband and I were both nervous at first and we were "inspecting" everywhere we went but we didn't find anything that looked suspicious at all. She loved the lazy river and especially the big waterslides - I thought she'd be scared of them but she wasn't. She played very hard for 45 minutes until she pooped out and didn't want anything to do with the water anymore! So we cleaned her up, gave her a snack and then her Grandma took her up to the balcony so she could watch us (and run around).

Sydney has CF Clinic this Wednesday and I know if she cultures something, I will be wondering if it is from the waterpark BUT I also know that there is just no way to know for sure. We plan on taking her back again someday bc she liked it so much.

If anyone is interested, I put a few pictures on her website:
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://sydneymyers-ivil.tripod.com/id22.html
Thanks for all of the input from everyone. It is really nice to have people who can understand this sort of concern!

Donna- I totally relate about the bath thing, after Syd was diagnosd I was really nervous about that too - I keep the tub very clean (spray it with disinfectant all the time) and even cemented up the squirty holes in her bath toys!! Now (a year after her diagnosis) I am a lot more easy-going about it though - it just takes time to find your comfort zone.

Shamrock-I hope you have a BLAST at the waterpark! I know I did - at 27 I was playing just like the kiddos were and it was FUN!!!!


New member
Heehee, thanx! We're leavin at 4.30am tomorrow morning (groan), to fly over so I'll update y'all when I get home! Glad you had a blast-waterparks are the best fun ever!!


New member
Kelli, I am gald to hear that she had so much fun. The photos are just adorable! I am glad you two decided to go.

Thanks for the update,

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
The pictures are beautiful and I am glad that you guys had soooo much fun, We are going to the Kalhari waterpark and resort in Ohio, my daughter also has CF and she was born at Riverside Hospital in Columbus Ohio, we still live in Ohio and go to Columbus Childrens Hospital, at what age was your daughter diagnosed??
I really enjoyed your website and will visit it again.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
good to see you all had fun! i looooove waterslides! i wish we had a huge theme park here with super long ones. the longest we have here are fairly old and scabby and you end up injuring yourself. good ole perth...


New member
Hi Kaitsmom, Sydney was diagnosed just a week after her first birthday. We used to live in Hilliard, OH - on the west side of Cols. That would have been very conveinent for Cols. Children's but we moved to Indiana before she was diagnosed....Small world, huh?!?

Hope you guys enjoy the waterpark!!


New member

I'm so glad you went. Your daughter looks adorable and it looks like your family had a wonderful time! Good for you!
