Ways of stopping Hemoptysis?


New member
I've heard that you can nebulize Neosynephrine nose spray during a bleed and slow it down. Has anyone tried this? If so, what's the amount of Neosynephrine you use and what percent Neosynephrine nose spray you use? I think it comes in different percentage dilutions. Any weird side effects?

Are there any other ways to help slow down or stop a bleed at home? I'd be very interested in hearing your home brew remedies methods....Thanks!!


New member
NEVER lay down, always have yourself sitting or at least at an angle. I drink ice water & during the worst times have put ice packs on my chest & of course I pop a few extra vitamin K tablets. Thats the extent of my needs so far. When I was in the hospital they would give me shots of vitamin K during the bleed in addition to the oral ones I would take daily.


New member
l-lysine does the trick...... 500 mg!!!! id say take 2 in the morning and 2 at night. see what that does and then decrease or increase from there


New member
I never tried the lysine trick, but vitamin K to me is an instant stopper...I had a real bad bleed a long time ago, lasted quite a while, started to feel light headed due to blood loss, finally (i didnt have any on hand at the time) my lady was able to get me some vitamin K, I took two capsules (thats a ton of clotting agent btw, 200mcg), and it stopped very soon after.

It's a real good idea to take a daily vitamin K supplement, especially if you take any supplements or drugs that have an anticlotting factor to them, like say oregano oil or aspirin or whatever. It wont fully prevent bleeds, but it will cut down on them and make them last much less longer.


New member
I had hemoptysis once, and ended up going for a bronch, followed by a pulmonary embolization. It was that bad that I was coughing up cups of blood everyday for two months. I haven't had a problem since my surgery.


New member
I've had 2 embolizations 3 years ago and continued to still have bleeding problems till i started using L-Lysine this year. I take 4000 mg. a day. 1000 mg every 4 hours or so. I have taken less but when i take less i have problems with bleeding again, so i'll stick to 4000 mg. My doctor said it is fine and my dietician and my pharmacist told me it isnt toxic, so a large dose won't hurt. what the body doesnt use it gets rid of. I found the best way for me to keep hemoptysis at bay is not to lay flat at all. I sleep on my couch with a lot of pillows propping me up ( have been doing so for 3 years now). I seem to have had the most problems with hemoptysis at the same times each time......... while laying too flat,...... laying on my left side, ..............coughing too hard, too long,.......... leaning over too far, ...... or right around the time of ovulation to the time of my period, ( which since you are a guy you dont have to worry about that being a problem). L-Lysine is the only thing i have found to be of this much help. THANK GOD something helped !! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
p.s. i also take 10 mg vit.K every night


New member
Thank you all for the useful information! I'll give L-lysine a go. I'm already doing vit K. Can you buy it at the 'vitamin' section of the grocery store or do you need to go to a health food and dietary supplement store?


New member
Neosynepherine is a vasoconstrictor..which would probably stop the bleeding because it makes the vessels shrink up.. Be sure to take Vit K as well... like the others said...


New member
I get my L-Lysine in K-Mart or any regular drug store. The brand i use is " Nature Made". I like getting it at K-Mart since about once a month they have "buy one get one free". Then i get a few and stock up.


New member
Grats on a good buy. I seriously thought K-Mart was as mytical as the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot. We still have one near us, but they have closed so many stores near us (in Florida), I just wonder how many are still out there anymore.