<P>I have cf, but causing so much trouble is widespread bronchiectasis>>(BXIS)</P>
<P>signs that i know I have an infection are definatley , increased sputum and darker green, lungs feel hot , im very fatigued, lung pains and( hemoptysis, can be few tsps or tblsps... over several days..) and sometimes low grade temp...only 99.8 or 100.2F, but feels higher and breathlessness, chills and small sweats</P>
<P>the problem is my blood work indicators hardly elevate, thus the Dr. is reluctant to use IV ABX on me..</P>
<P>ESR normal is 20, I get maybe 25-40</P>
<P>CRP norm: less than 5....maybe 7.5</P>
<P>WBC.norm is 11 and under ..I mite get 7.5...(Im usually 4ish)</P>
<P> </P>
<P>My Dr. has sent me to an immunologist for a thorough work up as to why when I have an infection, blood work doesnt reflect it. but all tests show my immune system is working normally.</P>
<P>I have had this problem my whole life...is anyone else like this? and when you have infections what do your Numbers go up to?</P>
<P>thanks Liz</P>
<P>I have cf, but causing so much trouble is widespread bronchiectasis>>(BXIS)</P>
<P>signs that i know I have an infection are definatley , increased sputum and darker green, lungs feel hot , im very fatigued, lung pains and( hemoptysis, can be few tsps or tblsps... over several days..) and sometimes low grade temp...only 99.8 or 100.2F, but feels higher and breathlessness, chills and small sweats</P>
<P>the problem is my blood work indicators hardly elevate, thus the Dr. is reluctant to use IV ABX on me..</P>
<P>ESR normal is 20, I get maybe 25-40</P>
<P>CRP norm: less than 5....maybe 7.5</P>
<P>WBC.norm is 11 and under ..I mite get 7.5...(Im usually 4ish)</P>
<P> </P>
<P>My Dr. has sent me to an immunologist for a thorough work up as to why when I have an infection, blood work doesnt reflect it. but all tests show my immune system is working normally.</P>
<P>I have had this problem my whole life...is anyone else like this? and when you have infections what do your Numbers go up to?</P>
<P>thanks Liz</P>