We need your input!


New member
Hi there everyone...

We will be walking in the Great STrides walk on Sept 21st and are in great need for an awesome team name. We currently have "Team EJ" and its jut not good enough.
Keep in mind we have 4 children diagnosed so we cant use just one childs name.
HELP!! Please post your idea's.

Thank you, Tina Holm
<img src="http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll15/holmfamiy/Picture067-1.jpg">


New member
Hi there everyone...

We will be walking in the Great STrides walk on Sept 21st and are in great need for an awesome team name. We currently have "Team EJ" and its jut not good enough.
Keep in mind we have 4 children diagnosed so we cant use just one childs name.
HELP!! Please post your idea's.

Thank you, Tina Holm
<img src="http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll15/holmfamiy/Picture067-1.jpg">


New member
Hi there everyone...

We will be walking in the Great STrides walk on Sept 21st and are in great need for an awesome team name. We currently have "Team EJ" and its jut not good enough.
Keep in mind we have 4 children diagnosed so we cant use just one childs name.
HELP!! Please post your idea's.

Thank you, Tina Holm
<img src="http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll15/holmfamiy/Picture067-1.jpg">


New member
Hi there everyone...

We will be walking in the Great STrides walk on Sept 21st and are in great need for an awesome team name. We currently have "Team EJ" and its jut not good enough.
Keep in mind we have 4 children diagnosed so we cant use just one childs name.
HELP!! Please post your idea's.

Thank you, Tina Holm
<img src="http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll15/holmfamiy/Picture067-1.jpg">


New member
Hi there everyone...
<br />
<br />We will be walking in the Great STrides walk on Sept 21st and are in great need for an awesome team name. We currently have "Team EJ" and its jut not good enough.
<br />Keep in mind we have 4 children diagnosed so we cant use just one childs name.
<br />HELP!! Please post your idea's.
<br />
<br />Thank you, Tina Holm
<br /><img src="http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll15/holmfamiy/Picture067-1.jpg">