weight issues


New member
We have used MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) oil with success. When my son was diagnosed at 4 months he was at the 3rd percentile for weight. He was started on Alimentum which has a high percentage of MCT oil. Once he was off of the formula we supplemented him with MCT oil. It is tasteless and is easily added to food (smoothies, applesauce, yogurt, etc.)

We purchase our MCT oil from www.iherb.com/mctoil.html

With MCT oil just remember to start out with a small dose and work up. Too much too fast can cause stomach upset.


New member
I've always wondered about MCT oil. I've seen it posted on other sites, but I guess I figured that DS's weight was okay, otherwise his doctors would mention it. DS's weight is 50th percentile. So we're THIRLLED he's average. Liza


New member
I don't know if you need to use MCT oil if there are no weight issues. We don't use it anymore. My son is now at the 75th percentile. He is 21 months old.
However, I do know the worries about weight and eating all too well. MCT oil helped my son and good amount of protein as well.