weight issues



i used squeeze cheese to give rain her enzymes, pretty high in calories plus it's really easy to take anywhere and you don't have to keep it warm or cold. if it comes to the point of a feeding button, i support that. i hated it the whole time ashley rain had one but it made a world of difference.


i used squeeze cheese to give rain her enzymes, pretty high in calories plus it's really easy to take anywhere and you don't have to keep it warm or cold. if it comes to the point of a feeding button, i support that. i hated it the whole time ashley rain had one but it made a world of difference.


i used squeeze cheese to give rain her enzymes, pretty high in calories plus it's really easy to take anywhere and you don't have to keep it warm or cold. if it comes to the point of a feeding button, i support that. i hated it the whole time ashley rain had one but it made a world of difference.


i used squeeze cheese to give rain her enzymes, pretty high in calories plus it's really easy to take anywhere and you don't have to keep it warm or cold. if it comes to the point of a feeding button, i support that. i hated it the whole time ashley rain had one but it made a world of difference.


i used squeeze cheese to give rain her enzymes, pretty high in calories plus it's really easy to take anywhere and you don't have to keep it warm or cold. if it comes to the point of a feeding button, i support that. i hated it the whole time ashley rain had one but it made a world of difference.


New member
My son is in the same boat. He will be a year on Sunday and is under 19 pounds. Our nutritionist ordered us Nutren Junior which is made by nestle but is given as a prescription that has 250 cal per 8 oz and it's milk. I started giving 1 a day to my son and he doesn't love the taste right now because I still nurse him but he is getting used to it. I think I may add carnation instant breakfast to it.

Also, they told me to add 1 tsp. of oil to his diet per day. I use olive oil or coconut oil.

Let me know if you find something that works...maybe I will try it on Colby!!



New member
My son is in the same boat. He will be a year on Sunday and is under 19 pounds. Our nutritionist ordered us Nutren Junior which is made by nestle but is given as a prescription that has 250 cal per 8 oz and it's milk. I started giving 1 a day to my son and he doesn't love the taste right now because I still nurse him but he is getting used to it. I think I may add carnation instant breakfast to it.

Also, they told me to add 1 tsp. of oil to his diet per day. I use olive oil or coconut oil.

Let me know if you find something that works...maybe I will try it on Colby!!



New member
My son is in the same boat. He will be a year on Sunday and is under 19 pounds. Our nutritionist ordered us Nutren Junior which is made by nestle but is given as a prescription that has 250 cal per 8 oz and it's milk. I started giving 1 a day to my son and he doesn't love the taste right now because I still nurse him but he is getting used to it. I think I may add carnation instant breakfast to it.

Also, they told me to add 1 tsp. of oil to his diet per day. I use olive oil or coconut oil.

Let me know if you find something that works...maybe I will try it on Colby!!



New member
My son is in the same boat. He will be a year on Sunday and is under 19 pounds. Our nutritionist ordered us Nutren Junior which is made by nestle but is given as a prescription that has 250 cal per 8 oz and it's milk. I started giving 1 a day to my son and he doesn't love the taste right now because I still nurse him but he is getting used to it. I think I may add carnation instant breakfast to it.

Also, they told me to add 1 tsp. of oil to his diet per day. I use olive oil or coconut oil.

Let me know if you find something that works...maybe I will try it on Colby!!



New member
My son is in the same boat. He will be a year on Sunday and is under 19 pounds. Our nutritionist ordered us Nutren Junior which is made by nestle but is given as a prescription that has 250 cal per 8 oz and it's milk. I started giving 1 a day to my son and he doesn't love the taste right now because I still nurse him but he is getting used to it. I think I may add carnation instant breakfast to it.
<br />
<br />Also, they told me to add 1 tsp. of oil to his diet per day. I use olive oil or coconut oil.
<br />
<br />Let me know if you find something that works...maybe I will try it on Colby!!
<br />
<br />Jessica


Thanks for your suggestions. I have never tried oil, I mostly add heavy cream or butter. He has an appt tomarrow and I am praying he gains. I hope your son finds something that work for him. Take Care


Thanks for your suggestions. I have never tried oil, I mostly add heavy cream or butter. He has an appt tomarrow and I am praying he gains. I hope your son finds something that work for him. Take Care


Thanks for your suggestions. I have never tried oil, I mostly add heavy cream or butter. He has an appt tomarrow and I am praying he gains. I hope your son finds something that work for him. Take Care


Thanks for your suggestions. I have never tried oil, I mostly add heavy cream or butter. He has an appt tomarrow and I am praying he gains. I hope your son finds something that work for him. Take Care


<br /> Thanks for your suggestions. I have never tried oil, I mostly add heavy cream or butter. He has an appt tomarrow and I am praying he gains. I hope your son finds something that work for him. Take Care


New member
I have an almost 6 month old, diagnosed at birth with CF due to MI. She has gained well all this time and is up to almost 15lbs. I'm starting to worry about how many calories she needs and if she's eating enough. I don't ever want to get behind the eight ball, you know? She eats formula mixed at 24 cal/oz. I've started adding duocal to her formula which adds more calories. Is it okay to add butter and/or heavy cream to her food at this age? I've been making her baby food and could easily add anything that would help. I guess I could also see if she likes avocado, I know I do! Any other suggestions for a child this age would be greatly appreciated!


New member
I have an almost 6 month old, diagnosed at birth with CF due to MI. She has gained well all this time and is up to almost 15lbs. I'm starting to worry about how many calories she needs and if she's eating enough. I don't ever want to get behind the eight ball, you know? She eats formula mixed at 24 cal/oz. I've started adding duocal to her formula which adds more calories. Is it okay to add butter and/or heavy cream to her food at this age? I've been making her baby food and could easily add anything that would help. I guess I could also see if she likes avocado, I know I do! Any other suggestions for a child this age would be greatly appreciated!


New member
I have an almost 6 month old, diagnosed at birth with CF due to MI. She has gained well all this time and is up to almost 15lbs. I'm starting to worry about how many calories she needs and if she's eating enough. I don't ever want to get behind the eight ball, you know? She eats formula mixed at 24 cal/oz. I've started adding duocal to her formula which adds more calories. Is it okay to add butter and/or heavy cream to her food at this age? I've been making her baby food and could easily add anything that would help. I guess I could also see if she likes avocado, I know I do! Any other suggestions for a child this age would be greatly appreciated!


New member
I have an almost 6 month old, diagnosed at birth with CF due to MI. She has gained well all this time and is up to almost 15lbs. I'm starting to worry about how many calories she needs and if she's eating enough. I don't ever want to get behind the eight ball, you know? She eats formula mixed at 24 cal/oz. I've started adding duocal to her formula which adds more calories. Is it okay to add butter and/or heavy cream to her food at this age? I've been making her baby food and could easily add anything that would help. I guess I could also see if she likes avocado, I know I do! Any other suggestions for a child this age would be greatly appreciated!


New member
I have an almost 6 month old, diagnosed at birth with CF due to MI. She has gained well all this time and is up to almost 15lbs. I'm starting to worry about how many calories she needs and if she's eating enough. I don't ever want to get behind the eight ball, you know? She eats formula mixed at 24 cal/oz. I've started adding duocal to her formula which adds more calories. Is it okay to add butter and/or heavy cream to her food at this age? I've been making her baby food and could easily add anything that would help. I guess I could also see if she likes avocado, I know I do! Any other suggestions for a child this age would be greatly appreciated!