weight training


New member
I have been off IVs now for the second time for a couple of days. I'm finally feeling so much better and have a clinic recheck next Tuesday. I can't wait to see how much my FEV1 rose. It fell to 49% 3 weeks ago with pneumonia. It was 64% in late September. Keep your fingers crossed, please.

Anyway, I am walking on my treadmill 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time. I was also thinking of adding in some weight training.

I have an actual 'cage' that is 8 feet tall in my attic next to my treadmill so I have instant access to many different kinds of exercises with the weights needed to do each. I also have a bench. My husband bought these a year ago for himself, but they are up there collecting dust. I would like to use them; however, I really don't know what exercises would be best. I have NO tone in my legs or arms...I have a small belly. My hubby says I'd be perfect if I just had some tone.

I am doing cardio three days a week so I was thinking of doing weights on the off days. Any advice or workout plan would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!!!


New member
I have been off IVs now for the second time for a couple of days. I'm finally feeling so much better and have a clinic recheck next Tuesday. I can't wait to see how much my FEV1 rose. It fell to 49% 3 weeks ago with pneumonia. It was 64% in late September. Keep your fingers crossed, please.

Anyway, I am walking on my treadmill 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time. I was also thinking of adding in some weight training.

I have an actual 'cage' that is 8 feet tall in my attic next to my treadmill so I have instant access to many different kinds of exercises with the weights needed to do each. I also have a bench. My husband bought these a year ago for himself, but they are up there collecting dust. I would like to use them; however, I really don't know what exercises would be best. I have NO tone in my legs or arms...I have a small belly. My hubby says I'd be perfect if I just had some tone.

I am doing cardio three days a week so I was thinking of doing weights on the off days. Any advice or workout plan would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!!!


New member
I have been off IVs now for the second time for a couple of days. I'm finally feeling so much better and have a clinic recheck next Tuesday. I can't wait to see how much my FEV1 rose. It fell to 49% 3 weeks ago with pneumonia. It was 64% in late September. Keep your fingers crossed, please.

Anyway, I am walking on my treadmill 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time. I was also thinking of adding in some weight training.

I have an actual 'cage' that is 8 feet tall in my attic next to my treadmill so I have instant access to many different kinds of exercises with the weights needed to do each. I also have a bench. My husband bought these a year ago for himself, but they are up there collecting dust. I would like to use them; however, I really don't know what exercises would be best. I have NO tone in my legs or arms...I have a small belly. My hubby says I'd be perfect if I just had some tone.

I am doing cardio three days a week so I was thinking of doing weights on the off days. Any advice or workout plan would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!!!


New member
I have been off IVs now for the second time for a couple of days. I'm finally feeling so much better and have a clinic recheck next Tuesday. I can't wait to see how much my FEV1 rose. It fell to 49% 3 weeks ago with pneumonia. It was 64% in late September. Keep your fingers crossed, please.

Anyway, I am walking on my treadmill 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time. I was also thinking of adding in some weight training.

I have an actual 'cage' that is 8 feet tall in my attic next to my treadmill so I have instant access to many different kinds of exercises with the weights needed to do each. I also have a bench. My husband bought these a year ago for himself, but they are up there collecting dust. I would like to use them; however, I really don't know what exercises would be best. I have NO tone in my legs or arms...I have a small belly. My hubby says I'd be perfect if I just had some tone.

I am doing cardio three days a week so I was thinking of doing weights on the off days. Any advice or workout plan would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!!!


New member
I have been off IVs now for the second time for a couple of days. I'm finally feeling so much better and have a clinic recheck next Tuesday. I can't wait to see how much my FEV1 rose. It fell to 49% 3 weeks ago with pneumonia. It was 64% in late September. Keep your fingers crossed, please.
<br />
<br />Anyway, I am walking on my treadmill 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time. I was also thinking of adding in some weight training.
<br />
<br />I have an actual 'cage' that is 8 feet tall in my attic next to my treadmill so I have instant access to many different kinds of exercises with the weights needed to do each. I also have a bench. My husband bought these a year ago for himself, but they are up there collecting dust. I would like to use them; however, I really don't know what exercises would be best. I have NO tone in my legs or arms...I have a small belly. My hubby says I'd be perfect if I just had some tone.
<br />
<br />I am doing cardio three days a week so I was thinking of doing weights on the off days. Any advice or workout plan would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!!!



I don't have any weight advice for you, but I did want to say that I'm so glad you are feeling better.

Also, I am so proud of you for doing the treadmill and keeping up with it!!!!



I don't have any weight advice for you, but I did want to say that I'm so glad you are feeling better.

Also, I am so proud of you for doing the treadmill and keeping up with it!!!!



I don't have any weight advice for you, but I did want to say that I'm so glad you are feeling better.

Also, I am so proud of you for doing the treadmill and keeping up with it!!!!



I don't have any weight advice for you, but I did want to say that I'm so glad you are feeling better.

Also, I am so proud of you for doing the treadmill and keeping up with it!!!!


<br />
<br />I don't have any weight advice for you, but I did want to say that I'm so glad you are feeling better.
<br />
<br />Also, I am so proud of you for doing the treadmill and keeping up with it!!!!


Yay Jenny, way to go! I have a wonderful old book called Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. Arnold Schwartzenegger images are good for warm up AND motivation. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


Yay Jenny, way to go! I have a wonderful old book called Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. Arnold Schwartzenegger images are good for warm up AND motivation. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


Yay Jenny, way to go! I have a wonderful old book called Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. Arnold Schwartzenegger images are good for warm up AND motivation. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


Yay Jenny, way to go! I have a wonderful old book called Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. Arnold Schwartzenegger images are good for warm up AND motivation. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


Yay Jenny, way to go! I have a wonderful old book called Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. Arnold Schwartzenegger images are good for warm up AND motivation. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Happy Saturday!!

Good luck with your rising FEV1!!

I would recommend starting with 2-3 days per week doing a total body workout. I like super-setting things for time-sake. Basically what that means is you will continuously be working a opposing or opposite muscles. So how you want to start is doing two sets of 12-15 repetitions each exercise. So it would go A to A to A to A then B to B to B to B etc, Once you get past the first three weeks add another set. Breath is key in the movement, so as you working exhale and inhale as you resting. Inhale through nose exhale through mouth.

A. Lunges with Dumbells
A. Incline Bench Press with Dumbells
B. Step-Ups with Dumbells
B. Bent Over Row Dumbells
C. Curl and Press with Dumbells
C. Sumo Deadlifts with Dumbell
D. Lat Raises
D. Overhead Tricep Extensions

I hope this doesn't seem like a foreign language. If you PM me I can send you a more detailed explanation with picture-I am visual<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I think I rambled...just love exercise!!


New member
Happy Saturday!!

Good luck with your rising FEV1!!

I would recommend starting with 2-3 days per week doing a total body workout. I like super-setting things for time-sake. Basically what that means is you will continuously be working a opposing or opposite muscles. So how you want to start is doing two sets of 12-15 repetitions each exercise. So it would go A to A to A to A then B to B to B to B etc, Once you get past the first three weeks add another set. Breath is key in the movement, so as you working exhale and inhale as you resting. Inhale through nose exhale through mouth.

A. Lunges with Dumbells
A. Incline Bench Press with Dumbells
B. Step-Ups with Dumbells
B. Bent Over Row Dumbells
C. Curl and Press with Dumbells
C. Sumo Deadlifts with Dumbell
D. Lat Raises
D. Overhead Tricep Extensions

I hope this doesn't seem like a foreign language. If you PM me I can send you a more detailed explanation with picture-I am visual<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I think I rambled...just love exercise!!


New member
Happy Saturday!!

Good luck with your rising FEV1!!

I would recommend starting with 2-3 days per week doing a total body workout. I like super-setting things for time-sake. Basically what that means is you will continuously be working a opposing or opposite muscles. So how you want to start is doing two sets of 12-15 repetitions each exercise. So it would go A to A to A to A then B to B to B to B etc, Once you get past the first three weeks add another set. Breath is key in the movement, so as you working exhale and inhale as you resting. Inhale through nose exhale through mouth.

A. Lunges with Dumbells
A. Incline Bench Press with Dumbells
B. Step-Ups with Dumbells
B. Bent Over Row Dumbells
C. Curl and Press with Dumbells
C. Sumo Deadlifts with Dumbell
D. Lat Raises
D. Overhead Tricep Extensions

I hope this doesn't seem like a foreign language. If you PM me I can send you a more detailed explanation with picture-I am visual<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I think I rambled...just love exercise!!


New member
Happy Saturday!!

Good luck with your rising FEV1!!

I would recommend starting with 2-3 days per week doing a total body workout. I like super-setting things for time-sake. Basically what that means is you will continuously be working a opposing or opposite muscles. So how you want to start is doing two sets of 12-15 repetitions each exercise. So it would go A to A to A to A then B to B to B to B etc, Once you get past the first three weeks add another set. Breath is key in the movement, so as you working exhale and inhale as you resting. Inhale through nose exhale through mouth.

A. Lunges with Dumbells
A. Incline Bench Press with Dumbells
B. Step-Ups with Dumbells
B. Bent Over Row Dumbells
C. Curl and Press with Dumbells
C. Sumo Deadlifts with Dumbell
D. Lat Raises
D. Overhead Tricep Extensions

I hope this doesn't seem like a foreign language. If you PM me I can send you a more detailed explanation with picture-I am visual<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I think I rambled...just love exercise!!


New member
Happy Saturday!!
<br />
<br />Good luck with your rising FEV1!!
<br />
<br />I would recommend starting with 2-3 days per week doing a total body workout. I like super-setting things for time-sake. Basically what that means is you will continuously be working a opposing or opposite muscles. So how you want to start is doing two sets of 12-15 repetitions each exercise. So it would go A to A to A to A then B to B to B to B etc, Once you get past the first three weeks add another set. Breath is key in the movement, so as you working exhale and inhale as you resting. Inhale through nose exhale through mouth.
<br />
<br />A. Lunges with Dumbells
<br />A. Incline Bench Press with Dumbells
<br />B. Step-Ups with Dumbells
<br />B. Bent Over Row Dumbells
<br />C. Curl and Press with Dumbells
<br />C. Sumo Deadlifts with Dumbell
<br />D. Lat Raises
<br />D. Overhead Tricep Extensions
<br />
<br />I hope this doesn't seem like a foreign language. If you PM me I can send you a more detailed explanation with picture-I am visual<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />I think I rambled...just love exercise!!
<br />
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