

New member
hey everybody, okay so i hear everybody saying they have problem gaining weight, and i feel horrible about what you all must be going through, but im actually hear to ask if anybody has a normal, or problem losing weight? I have CF and past 10 years old, havent had a problem gaining weight, in fact if i wanted to gain 10 lbs, i could probably do it easily. Sometimes i even feel over weight. I feel grateful that i don't have a problem gaining weight, but i wanted to know if anybody had the same scenario? The area that my CF strikes the most is with my nose....i've had 5 nose surgeries, and have limited smelling and tasting abilities. I don't meen to be a downer, just wondering if i'm the only one or not.

thanks for your responses <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

much love, stay strong



New member
I have no trouble gaining weight, but I think thats beause I've had a transplant. Don't worry about it, my doctor would always tell me that CF affects everyone differently. Your CF just doesn't make you look like a skeleton, be happy about that. I've had 4 nose surgeries and while I can still taste good, but my sense of smell is very bad. I can't even smell my hairspray when it's right in my face. I just want you to know that I kinda know how you feel and I hope it helps you feel better.


New member
Hey, I don't have any problems gaining weight either. I need a lot of enzymes and I used to be a skeleton when I was little, but the past few years I just gain and gain. I'm 5"3 and up to 130lbs. I can't keep the weight off cause of my huge appetite that they say comes with the CF. I know it sounds bad, but I wish that since I have all these problems, that I could at least have problems with my weight and be thin....like I said, sounds bad, but hey.
And the nose issue, well, my main problems are in my lungs and the diabetes, but I will probably get that surgery, too. I get hooooorrible headaches, usualy every day, and they said it's probably my sinuses.