Ok, this is going to raise a few eyebrows i imagine, but honesty is a good thing, so here goes..................i was diagnosed at age 19 and refused to do anything about it, i just said 'thanks for the diagnosis' and split, never to go back. I have since been in hospital with a lung infection recently for the first time (age 37) and while in there i took the opporunity to read through my medical file.
Apparently at the age of 21, my doctors must have checked my FEV1 at some stage (i don't remember but i've that many tests over my lifetime i've forgotten a lot of it) and at age 21 my FEV1 was at 51%. Since then, i smoked cigarettes (pack a day) for 16 yrs, PLUS, i also was a daily marijuana smoker.........i know i know, shocking behaviour, but there you have it. Now after 16 years of being a heavy smoker and a heavy marijuana smoker, i had my FEV1 tested in hospital at age 37 while suffering from a moderate/heavy infection and it came in at 36%. So over 16 years my FEV1 decreased an average of about 1% a year. I can't help but wonder how much damage all these cigarettes and marijunana actually did, considering some CF patients who have never smoked a thing ever, deteriorate up to 4-5% a year. I dunno, i think the ciggies are an extremely bad idea and i gave up while in hospital 3 months ago and haven't touched one since. I have also severely cut down my pot use, but have been unable to stop completely. I still smoke most days, but only half to one joint a day, or a couple of bongs. I rarely drink, but when i do, i do it properly and knock back tequila shots all night and never get home before daylight, i do this maybe once every six weeks maximum. I test myself on a peak flow meter regulary, but refuse to have my PFTs tested properly, and my peak flow comes up now to be between 60 - 70%. I really don't know what to think about the damage pot does to CF lungs - maybe there is something the doctors are missing. Does anybody out there know if any actual research has been done on the effect of marijuana smoke on CF lungs? Or is everybody just assuming it's bad, evil and nasty and should be avoided like the plague? Maybe it has an effect on inflammation? Maybe it lowers our immune response just enough to prevent extreme inflammation, thereby actually slowing the rate of lung deterioration? Maybe i'm dreaming and looking for an exuse to keep smoking.............who knows!