Genetics testing
My son has had three sweat tests (five if you count the ones when
he didn't sweat enough) and all three have come back positive - 69,
94, 76. At that point we were told he had CF (by his Gastro
doc). Now we just got the results of his initial genetics
test back and he doesn't have any of the 97 most common mutations.
I was sort of expecting him to have at least one of those
more common mutations if not both. My questions is how many
of you have two uncommon mutations vs one common and one uncommon
or both common? I know they are going to want to do the more
extensive genetics testing when we go to our appointment on
Tuesday, but it is sort of driving me nuts that we're going to have
to wait months now for this other test result. BTW he has had
a chest xray, sinus CT, elastace test and throat swab when we saw
the clinic last month and all those came out fine.
Another question that I'm not sure any of you are going to have
experience with is that my son has cerebral palsy (born 10 weeks
premature) and the doctor at the clinic said that for some reason
unknown to them a child with multiple health issues can test false
positive on the sweat test. Anyone heard of this? I did
look up the reasons why someone can get a positive sweat test and
not have CF, but none of those apply to him. I keep seeing
that two positive sweats mean CF period end of story. Any
insight would be appreciated.
My son has had three sweat tests (five if you count the ones when
he didn't sweat enough) and all three have come back positive - 69,
94, 76. At that point we were told he had CF (by his Gastro
doc). Now we just got the results of his initial genetics
test back and he doesn't have any of the 97 most common mutations.
I was sort of expecting him to have at least one of those
more common mutations if not both. My questions is how many
of you have two uncommon mutations vs one common and one uncommon
or both common? I know they are going to want to do the more
extensive genetics testing when we go to our appointment on
Tuesday, but it is sort of driving me nuts that we're going to have
to wait months now for this other test result. BTW he has had
a chest xray, sinus CT, elastace test and throat swab when we saw
the clinic last month and all those came out fine.
Another question that I'm not sure any of you are going to have
experience with is that my son has cerebral palsy (born 10 weeks
premature) and the doctor at the clinic said that for some reason
unknown to them a child with multiple health issues can test false
positive on the sweat test. Anyone heard of this? I did
look up the reasons why someone can get a positive sweat test and
not have CF, but none of those apply to him. I keep seeing
that two positive sweats mean CF period end of story. Any
insight would be appreciated.