Well the hits keep on coming... my sister has Lymphoma


New member
My parents only had two kids, my sister who is 27 and me who will be 23 soon. A month ago she was diagnosed with what they thought was thymoma and it turned out to be non hodgkins lymphoma, she already had two chemo treatments and lost all her hair. She turned to me for support and I really think I helped her alot.

She called me from her hospital room with the doctor in the room and my mom and aunts there, I was on speaker phone and she told me she has lymphoma, the first words out of my mouth were "trying to steal my thunder huh?" I heard everyone laugh, then cry haha. She has a good head on her shoulders and I don't think it's her time to go, God is just using this to strengthen her I believe. Pray for my poor parents though, I can't imagine what they're going through.


New member
My parents only had two kids, my sister who is 27 and me who will be 23 soon. A month ago she was diagnosed with what they thought was thymoma and it turned out to be non hodgkins lymphoma, she already had two chemo treatments and lost all her hair. She turned to me for support and I really think I helped her alot.

She called me from her hospital room with the doctor in the room and my mom and aunts there, I was on speaker phone and she told me she has lymphoma, the first words out of my mouth were "trying to steal my thunder huh?" I heard everyone laugh, then cry haha. She has a good head on her shoulders and I don't think it's her time to go, God is just using this to strengthen her I believe. Pray for my poor parents though, I can't imagine what they're going through.


New member
My parents only had two kids, my sister who is 27 and me who will be 23 soon. A month ago she was diagnosed with what they thought was thymoma and it turned out to be non hodgkins lymphoma, she already had two chemo treatments and lost all her hair. She turned to me for support and I really think I helped her alot.

She called me from her hospital room with the doctor in the room and my mom and aunts there, I was on speaker phone and she told me she has lymphoma, the first words out of my mouth were "trying to steal my thunder huh?" I heard everyone laugh, then cry haha. She has a good head on her shoulders and I don't think it's her time to go, God is just using this to strengthen her I believe. Pray for my poor parents though, I can't imagine what they're going through.


New member
My parents only had two kids, my sister who is 27 and me who will be 23 soon. A month ago she was diagnosed with what they thought was thymoma and it turned out to be non hodgkins lymphoma, she already had two chemo treatments and lost all her hair. She turned to me for support and I really think I helped her alot.

She called me from her hospital room with the doctor in the room and my mom and aunts there, I was on speaker phone and she told me she has lymphoma, the first words out of my mouth were "trying to steal my thunder huh?" I heard everyone laugh, then cry haha. She has a good head on her shoulders and I don't think it's her time to go, God is just using this to strengthen her I believe. Pray for my poor parents though, I can't imagine what they're going through.


New member
My parents only had two kids, my sister who is 27 and me who will be 23 soon. A month ago she was diagnosed with what they thought was thymoma and it turned out to be non hodgkins lymphoma, she already had two chemo treatments and lost all her hair. She turned to me for support and I really think I helped her alot.
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<br />She called me from her hospital room with the doctor in the room and my mom and aunts there, I was on speaker phone and she told me she has lymphoma, the first words out of my mouth were "trying to steal my thunder huh?" I heard everyone laugh, then cry haha. She has a good head on her shoulders and I don't think it's her time to go, God is just using this to strengthen her I believe. Pray for my poor parents though, I can't imagine what they're going through.


New member
I am sorry that your family and your parents has to go through so much stress. Any time you hear the word cancer it is enough to give you the biggest of knots in your stomach..

Non Hodgkins Lymphoma is so, so, highly treatable now a days... I think it has a pretty high cure rate...

Saying prayers for your family


New member
I am sorry that your family and your parents has to go through so much stress. Any time you hear the word cancer it is enough to give you the biggest of knots in your stomach..

Non Hodgkins Lymphoma is so, so, highly treatable now a days... I think it has a pretty high cure rate...

Saying prayers for your family


New member
I am sorry that your family and your parents has to go through so much stress. Any time you hear the word cancer it is enough to give you the biggest of knots in your stomach..

Non Hodgkins Lymphoma is so, so, highly treatable now a days... I think it has a pretty high cure rate...

Saying prayers for your family


New member
I am sorry that your family and your parents has to go through so much stress. Any time you hear the word cancer it is enough to give you the biggest of knots in your stomach..

Non Hodgkins Lymphoma is so, so, highly treatable now a days... I think it has a pretty high cure rate...

Saying prayers for your family


New member
I am sorry that your family and your parents has to go through so much stress. Any time you hear the word cancer it is enough to give you the biggest of knots in your stomach..
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<br />Non Hodgkins Lymphoma is so, so, highly treatable now a days... I think it has a pretty high cure rate...
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<br />Saying prayers for your family


New member
Is there a treatment for Lymphoma (I'm not familiar w/ that).
I will most certainly pray for all of you! I'm sorry all of you have to deal with such stress!


New member
Is there a treatment for Lymphoma (I'm not familiar w/ that).
I will most certainly pray for all of you! I'm sorry all of you have to deal with such stress!


New member
Is there a treatment for Lymphoma (I'm not familiar w/ that).
I will most certainly pray for all of you! I'm sorry all of you have to deal with such stress!


New member
Is there a treatment for Lymphoma (I'm not familiar w/ that).
I will most certainly pray for all of you! I'm sorry all of you have to deal with such stress!


New member
Is there a treatment for Lymphoma (I'm not familiar w/ that).
<br />I will most certainly pray for all of you! I'm sorry all of you have to deal with such stress!
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