It's been along day.... I'm really starting to wonder if I can keep up the pace.. between work , no husband AND... We had 8 inches of snow on Monday. My husband went back to IL on sat and I feel alone again.... with all this snow. But, then I think,Maddy actualy has had a couple of good days... and that's something to celebrated around here. She went to Target by herself and then cleaned up the kitchen and put her sheets in the washer. Maybe I sound silly saying that this was a goodday, but I it's the truth. She has had glucoses that did't require 40-80 units at a wack. I think her glucoses are an indicator that her body is under less stress and she's responding to this round of antibiotics (something new) yehhhhh!!
I'm scared for her to come off.
The way things are going I will have a job at the Madison VA way before her we get her accepted at University Hopital for transplant. I work for the dept of surgery at a VA in Milwaukee and have spoken with the MDs here who say my job status is sucure there and we can move when ever we're ready, sometimes we get a few breaks in life and I'm ever so thankful.
My husband didn't get the flu shot and came down with it on Saturday, He left to go back to IL so just incase it wasn't the flu Maddy was inoculated against so he wouldn't give to her. So much for our weekend home together. Oh well... Maddy's feeling better, I said that.... Saturday she went to her BF's aunt's house for a few hr's to celebrate Bert and his twin's 22nd Bday. She then came home as the other kids went to the local watering hole to celebrate. Good choice.for her, I know she was sad though.. too live a normal life.
I wish I could get Maddy to do the saline, it makes her "too reactive" I wonder, is it the increased cough? We just got Normal(.3) saline as she had tried the hypertonic before and she couldn't tolerate it.
Kylie, what beach do you live near? If you'd rather not say it's fine, just curious.
Liza, do you leave wed for NE, hope the weather is better there. We are socked here with snow and ice and and it's 8-10 degrees here.
maddy is going to ask her MD on tHurs for the new drug for ABPA on thurs at her appt. I think it's called xolair.
Well I have to get some thing done before bed, Good night.