What are pnuemonia symptoms?

My son has been sick with a nasty cough for 10 days now. He is on cephalexin and just finished up his RX for steriods. Then last night, all of a sudden he got a fever of 102*. He was up all night coughing and choking and puking. Then he started doing this thing that was really wierd. He was coughing, not puking, but coughing up watery mucus. I know that pnuemonia is fluid in the lungs, but do they cough it up? I was wondering if maybe he has that. I am waiting for a call back from the RN at the CF clinic to see what she says. It was just really strange. It was like he was drowning. That is the only way I can describe the noise he was making. Thanks in advance for any input on this matter.


New member
My son has not been diagnoised with Cf, but he has had pnemonia 5 times this year. He sometimes throws up like a thick 7up looking stuff that is fluid from his lungs. Also has high high fevers. Anything is possible.


New member
I would advise you to take him and get a chest x-ray to make sure. Doctors missed pneumonia on my son when he was a few months old until the
x-ray came back. It would put your mind to know what you are dealing with.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf
Well, I talked to his CF doctor this morning. He has cultured psuedomonas. So we are going to treat that, do you think I should still try to get a chest xray? He was puking up 7up looking stuff. That's exactly what I thought it looked like. But about the fever. I have been giving him Tylenol every 4 hours, and I can't get it to go down. Any suggestions?


New member
I give my son tylenol every 6 hours and Mortin every third hour. Does that make sense every other one every three hours. OR tylenol with Codine. My son has had seizures from high fevers the tylenol motrin thing works best for him. Not sure about the xray I get one every time we go to the Dr but they haven't diagnoised my son with anything yet so I don't know if it is dealing with the same thing


New member
My daughter has CF and usually gets pneumonia every 2 years or so, somethimes once a year, she runs a fever and coughs alot, normally she does not have much of a cough, she also cultures psuedomonas and has for about 4 years now, she usually doesn't vomit but does complain of a headache and she doesn't feel well , lays around the house and not very energetic. If i were you i would tell the CF docs that you would really like an X-ray to rule out pneumonia.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I have been told to alternate Tylenol then Motrin every 4 hours. That seems to bring the fever down best. Good luck & keep us posted.