what are some signs you've noticed in a newborn..


New member
okay, so i haven't received any notice that my newborn has CF with the state screening, but i was told that NJ is slow with responding..... what are some signs that you noticed before your baby was offically diagnosed? i want to know what to look for... she is just 1 month, and will be going to have the blood work done at her 2 month checkup alond with my 4yo too. I want to know for sure if they carry the gene or have it or not. any info would be great!
thanks ~ramy


New member
okay, so i haven't received any notice that my newborn has CF with the state screening, but i was told that NJ is slow with responding..... what are some signs that you noticed before your baby was offically diagnosed? i want to know what to look for... she is just 1 month, and will be going to have the blood work done at her 2 month checkup alond with my 4yo too. I want to know for sure if they carry the gene or have it or not. any info would be great!
thanks ~ramy


New member
okay, so i haven't received any notice that my newborn has CF with the state screening, but i was told that NJ is slow with responding..... what are some signs that you noticed before your baby was offically diagnosed? i want to know what to look for... she is just 1 month, and will be going to have the blood work done at her 2 month checkup alond with my 4yo too. I want to know for sure if they carry the gene or have it or not. any info would be great!
thanks ~ramy


New member
okay, so i haven't received any notice that my newborn has CF with the state screening, but i was told that NJ is slow with responding..... what are some signs that you noticed before your baby was offically diagnosed? i want to know what to look for... she is just 1 month, and will be going to have the blood work done at her 2 month checkup alond with my 4yo too. I want to know for sure if they carry the gene or have it or not. any info would be great!
thanks ~ramy


New member
okay, so i haven't received any notice that my newborn has CF with the state screening, but i was told that NJ is slow with responding..... what are some signs that you noticed before your baby was offically diagnosed? i want to know what to look for... she is just 1 month, and will be going to have the blood work done at her 2 month checkup alond with my 4yo too. I want to know for sure if they carry the gene or have it or not. any info would be great!
thanks ~ramy


Other than being born with a meconium plug, my daughter exhibited no signs of CF at all as a newborn. She gained weight well, she had normal baby stools, she ate normally, she didn't seem any more congested or chesty than my other babies. The only thing I remember is that her nose mucous seemed way stickier than any other child I've seen. Kinda like glue. If I suctioned her nose or wiped it with a cloth, it would not come off. Kinda gross, but that is the only thing I can think of.

I know you are grasping at something tangible to tell you the answers here. I remember scouring my daughter daily for telltale signs of whether this is CF or not all while the testing was going on. The only real way to know will be the genetic testing. Good luck. I hope you get some answers and that it is good news.


Other than being born with a meconium plug, my daughter exhibited no signs of CF at all as a newborn. She gained weight well, she had normal baby stools, she ate normally, she didn't seem any more congested or chesty than my other babies. The only thing I remember is that her nose mucous seemed way stickier than any other child I've seen. Kinda like glue. If I suctioned her nose or wiped it with a cloth, it would not come off. Kinda gross, but that is the only thing I can think of.

I know you are grasping at something tangible to tell you the answers here. I remember scouring my daughter daily for telltale signs of whether this is CF or not all while the testing was going on. The only real way to know will be the genetic testing. Good luck. I hope you get some answers and that it is good news.


Other than being born with a meconium plug, my daughter exhibited no signs of CF at all as a newborn. She gained weight well, she had normal baby stools, she ate normally, she didn't seem any more congested or chesty than my other babies. The only thing I remember is that her nose mucous seemed way stickier than any other child I've seen. Kinda like glue. If I suctioned her nose or wiped it with a cloth, it would not come off. Kinda gross, but that is the only thing I can think of.

I know you are grasping at something tangible to tell you the answers here. I remember scouring my daughter daily for telltale signs of whether this is CF or not all while the testing was going on. The only real way to know will be the genetic testing. Good luck. I hope you get some answers and that it is good news.


Other than being born with a meconium plug, my daughter exhibited no signs of CF at all as a newborn. She gained weight well, she had normal baby stools, she ate normally, she didn't seem any more congested or chesty than my other babies. The only thing I remember is that her nose mucous seemed way stickier than any other child I've seen. Kinda like glue. If I suctioned her nose or wiped it with a cloth, it would not come off. Kinda gross, but that is the only thing I can think of.

I know you are grasping at something tangible to tell you the answers here. I remember scouring my daughter daily for telltale signs of whether this is CF or not all while the testing was going on. The only real way to know will be the genetic testing. Good luck. I hope you get some answers and that it is good news.


Other than being born with a meconium plug, my daughter exhibited no signs of CF at all as a newborn. She gained weight well, she had normal baby stools, she ate normally, she didn't seem any more congested or chesty than my other babies. The only thing I remember is that her nose mucous seemed way stickier than any other child I've seen. Kinda like glue. If I suctioned her nose or wiped it with a cloth, it would not come off. Kinda gross, but that is the only thing I can think of.

I know you are grasping at something tangible to tell you the answers here. I remember scouring my daughter daily for telltale signs of whether this is CF or not all while the testing was going on. The only real way to know will be the genetic testing. Good luck. I hope you get some answers and that it is good news.


New member
thanks, my dd seems to sound conjested when she eats and our dr told me to put nose drops in and then suction out before each bottle, but even doing that does not get rid of anything. and when she has to pass a bm she has a hard time. i give her a gas drop and it seems to shoot out of her.... I hope to get an answer soon... i didn't know until this pg that we were both carriers, so we are having our 4yo tested too. she was also very conjested as a baby too, now she eats like a piggy but only weighs 29lbs and just hit 36" this summer... she is way smaller than other kids (we're not that tall either) so i'm concerned about her too. hopefully I can come back here with good news, other wise, I know I'll have a great support system!


New member
thanks, my dd seems to sound conjested when she eats and our dr told me to put nose drops in and then suction out before each bottle, but even doing that does not get rid of anything. and when she has to pass a bm she has a hard time. i give her a gas drop and it seems to shoot out of her.... I hope to get an answer soon... i didn't know until this pg that we were both carriers, so we are having our 4yo tested too. she was also very conjested as a baby too, now she eats like a piggy but only weighs 29lbs and just hit 36" this summer... she is way smaller than other kids (we're not that tall either) so i'm concerned about her too. hopefully I can come back here with good news, other wise, I know I'll have a great support system!


New member
thanks, my dd seems to sound conjested when she eats and our dr told me to put nose drops in and then suction out before each bottle, but even doing that does not get rid of anything. and when she has to pass a bm she has a hard time. i give her a gas drop and it seems to shoot out of her.... I hope to get an answer soon... i didn't know until this pg that we were both carriers, so we are having our 4yo tested too. she was also very conjested as a baby too, now she eats like a piggy but only weighs 29lbs and just hit 36" this summer... she is way smaller than other kids (we're not that tall either) so i'm concerned about her too. hopefully I can come back here with good news, other wise, I know I'll have a great support system!


New member
thanks, my dd seems to sound conjested when she eats and our dr told me to put nose drops in and then suction out before each bottle, but even doing that does not get rid of anything. and when she has to pass a bm she has a hard time. i give her a gas drop and it seems to shoot out of her.... I hope to get an answer soon... i didn't know until this pg that we were both carriers, so we are having our 4yo tested too. she was also very conjested as a baby too, now she eats like a piggy but only weighs 29lbs and just hit 36" this summer... she is way smaller than other kids (we're not that tall either) so i'm concerned about her too. hopefully I can come back here with good news, other wise, I know I'll have a great support system!


New member
thanks, my dd seems to sound conjested when she eats and our dr told me to put nose drops in and then suction out before each bottle, but even doing that does not get rid of anything. and when she has to pass a bm she has a hard time. i give her a gas drop and it seems to shoot out of her.... I hope to get an answer soon... i didn't know until this pg that we were both carriers, so we are having our 4yo tested too. she was also very conjested as a baby too, now she eats like a piggy but only weighs 29lbs and just hit 36" this summer... she is way smaller than other kids (we're not that tall either) so i'm concerned about her too. hopefully I can come back here with good news, other wise, I know I'll have a great support system!


New member
My granddaughter is CF positive and she is now 2 months old. The only visible signs that she had and still the only ones that she has now are alot more spitting up then a normal baby would and hers is full of mucas. She is gaining weight as she should and she is a very happy baby. I hope and pray that all goes well for you and yours.


New member
My granddaughter is CF positive and she is now 2 months old. The only visible signs that she had and still the only ones that she has now are alot more spitting up then a normal baby would and hers is full of mucas. She is gaining weight as she should and she is a very happy baby. I hope and pray that all goes well for you and yours.


New member
My granddaughter is CF positive and she is now 2 months old. The only visible signs that she had and still the only ones that she has now are alot more spitting up then a normal baby would and hers is full of mucas. She is gaining weight as she should and she is a very happy baby. I hope and pray that all goes well for you and yours.


New member
My granddaughter is CF positive and she is now 2 months old. The only visible signs that she had and still the only ones that she has now are alot more spitting up then a normal baby would and hers is full of mucas. She is gaining weight as she should and she is a very happy baby. I hope and pray that all goes well for you and yours.


New member
My granddaughter is CF positive and she is now 2 months old. The only visible signs that she had and still the only ones that she has now are alot more spitting up then a normal baby would and hers is full of mucas. She is gaining weight as she should and she is a very happy baby. I hope and pray that all goes well for you and yours.