New member
I have been reading lately about so many things that are dangerous for cf'ers and it sometimes makes me crazy to try to keep my child safe. I was just reading about swimming the other day and it never occured to me that this also could be a dangerous place for our child. I know that bacteria is everywhere and yet if there are places to avoid I want to. Right now I don't even want our child to play in the dirt because I am afraid she is going to catch something. I am trying to balance being a total germ freak and letting our child be a child. If any of you have any helpful ideas of what is really important to avoid and what to just let go I would really appreciate it. We stay away from the normal kid play areas, and childcare situations, and try to wash as often as possible, but dirt, swimming pools, I am sure the list goes on and on. Thank you for your help. I know that your knowledge from your years of experience can greatly benefit our child and hopefully make her life more full and as long as it can be. Tiffany