What are the weird things you do/bad habits?


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Seeing as how we have had so many information/advice/productive/mature threads recently, I felt it was my duty to dilute the front page and learn some things about others. I was just about to watch the last episode of The Shield and take a nap when I thought about some of my weird habits, and wanted to hear if any of you guys have any weird/bad habits also. I'll go and then you guys can share. I'm sure some won't want to man up to who they are, so anonymous is ok (nearly everyone is anonymous here anyways due to not logging in).

As for me: I pick my two thumbs pretty bad. When I say "pick", I mean more canabalize them. Due to many years of picking at them, they have developed fairly thick skin layers on the inner side of them (the side facing my index fingers). So i'll pick at one part of the thumb till a crease appears, and then tear at it untill I eventually tear off a pretty large chunk of thumb skin, then I eat it. But I don't eat it right away, I chew it like a piece of beef jerky. It's not really painful unless I go more to the outside (top or fingerprint area) of the area. My fiancee/sisters think it's disgusting, especially sometimes when I go too far and it bleeds. They call me a canabal, and my sister thinks it's a form of self wounding with psychological issues, I tell her that I just enjoy chewing on my thick thumb skin.

Probably the grossest habit: This one actually won my fiancee and I a radio contest for "Who's mate has the grossest habit" on a morning radio show, and I gotta admit, especially from a females perspective (them not being into the whole grody eeww thing), it's pretty gross. Ill let my toe nails grow out a bit and then rip them off with my fingers (i'm pretty good at it too, I can remove both fingernails and toenails so precise, that they look like trimmers were used on them), and then regardless how grody they are underneat the toenails, i'll pick my teeth with them. Not just pick the teeth, but push them all the way through to the other side of the tooth and pull them out the other side. Sometimes if they are thick nails they can be slightly painful and my gums can bleed some. I'll also chew on a toenail or a fingernail untill it's powdered than swallow it.

Most annoying habit to my fiancee (BY FAR): I'm a compulsive leg shaker. Meaning no matter my state of mind, or whatever i'm doing (sitting at PC chair, out to eat, in the movie theatre, etc) I bounce my left leg (95% left leg, untill she tells me to stop it then I use my right leg) and it drives her absolute insane if she is near me (cause I shake whatever is near us like the chair, table, movieseat, etc), and I get the constant muffled yells of "STOP SHAKING!". Though she does it also in her own way, but with her toes. She will bob her big toe while on the couch watching tv with me, and I keep noticing it moving, and i'll point it out to her how it annoys me cause I keep seeing it move and it grabs my attention, but she thinks she doesn't do it.

Anyways, i know cystics can be pretty weird people, just thought i'd open up and share my weird personal flaws/habits/gross habits with you guys. I'd like to know if you guys (I know you guys do, just depends on who wants to be honest) also have any habits that are considered gross or annoying by others.


New member
Okay that toenail / teeth thing? Ewwww!!!

I also pick at my thumbs. I actually do all my fingers, but moreso my thumbs. I'm obsessive about lots of little things The bed sheets and bedspread have to be a certain way. If the sheets start coming off, I freak out and make Mike get off so I can fix them. I do the same with couch cushions. They MUST be in place.

I'm really quite a control freak. Mike never does his laundry (until it starts growing things and he's wearing the same stuff over and over -- so gross), or cleans his room. So after living there this summer and keeping it clean and tidy, I am now going so far as to go over there while Mike's at work or out with friends so I can neaten up and run a load of laundry if need be. Then I fold it in such a way and put it all away. Not doing it would bother me. I guess the being neat and tidy isn't bad, but the control freak part of it is.

I have a random habit where if I cough up something particularly nasty (extra dark or sticky or thick), I'll show it to whoever I'm with (unless they're strangers) while it's still in my mouth, then go on and swallow it. I do it to Mike and he hates it. Hahaha.

I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can come up with for the time being. If I think of another real good one, I'll share.


New member
...0.o Do all CFers have an issue with their fingernails? I used to bite mine something terrible. Now I just have this habbit of picking at my cuticles when they look messy. Sometimes I'll do it till they bleed and then suck the blood out. I've done it for so long that it doesn't even hurt anymore.

And I also have an issue with bedsheets. If they have wrinkles, I WILL NOT sleep on them. They have to be perfect.

I'm very OCD, too. For instance, when I eat a candy like M&M's or Sweet Tarts, I have to eat one of each color in the order of brightest to darkest. I have to be organized all the time. Even my comp gets defragmented at least once a week! All my movies and CDs and games are in alphabetical order, and everything has to be neat and tidy before I go to bed. I will not sleep in a messy room.

Yes, I'm totally insane. My mom saw an episode of Criminal Minds where there was an OCD serial killer. Now she jokes that I'm going to end up going crazy one day. *lol*


SeanDavis I learned more about you in that post than I ever wanted to know... ever.

Weird habits?
Obsessive book collector. My collection topped at 1,200 (rough estimate, probably way more than that) one time. My grandmother said that if I didn't get rid of any we'd have to move my mattress on a stack of books to make room for more.

I had assumed that this was from low oxygen but I guess not, my inside of my thumbs [right by the nail] gets really dry, sometimes skin will flake off, if i'm nervous i'll start to pick at it until it's a real mess. (Could this be a CF thing maybe?)

Oh skin is a favorite of mine as well, I'd be a dermatologist if it didn't require a medical degree [I'm never getting one of those despite the fact that I keep getting these odd signs in life saying that I should go to medical school]. My boyfriend will wince if I spot a bump on his back because I will immediately have to inspect it and squeeze it. He's mildly amused at me, if not exasperated at times.

Also I like to have my toes popped. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Wierd habits: I pick the skin around my nails - when I get really stressed out, I go to town on my thumbs - it used to be every finger, but now its mostly my thumbs - my guy is always getting after me for doing it. Wrinkles in bed sheets - I have to pull all my sheets off and remake the bed every day, every corner has to be super tight and even - its the same with my furniture too - every cushion needs to be in place, the blanket behind the couch has to be perfect. Perfectionist - every thing has to be placed perfectly in my home i.e. my magazines have to line up with the edge of my nightstand, my picture frames have to be facing a certain way, tv remote has to be sitting at the same spot every day.


New member
I pick at the thumb skin too. The inside gets dry so I pick at it. I pick my nails when I'm nervous. I have this weird thing if I pick the dirt or just pick from under one nail I have to do it to all of them, I cant do just one. I shake my foot when bored or nervous, a fast side to side motion. My husband says when I'm made i clinch my teeth together just so and my chin sticks out. I have yet to notice this or know how I do it.
I do the same as you Emily with the snot thing. If i cough up something really gross I have to show it, and usually its my husbad cus he is the one around. Sometimes he thinks its neat in a gross way and sometimes he thinks its just gross. lol

I am kinda a pack rat. Or more so used to be trying to break my habbit of this one because if you do it to much it can be gross. But I would save different things because they could be handy. Like twist ties or rubber bands, scraps of construction paper. Anything that can be used for crafts. No I dont save used siplocs or paper towels lol. I am trying to throw things away like that since i have no room to put them and plus if I even do a craft that I need a gajillion rubber bands for I'll just go buy a box. My husband gets on to me for being a pack rat with those kinds of things, which i think will come in handy for anything cus its happened he needed rubber bands for something and I had them lol. But he is a back rat when it comes to electronics. He has so many cables he doesnt know what to do with them. you know the kind that comes with your dvd players, well he has like 10 of them and he tried to throw one away when we got something that had that same cable with it, we didnt need it. So he throws it away and then 5 seconds later digs it out of the trash (dont worry there wasnt anything in the trash). So he has this big box full of cables, old cell phone accessories (think analog old) telephone cables. the list goes on.

i know i have alot of weird habbits i just cant think of the rest of them right now.
This is a funny topic.


New member
The sheet thing, I'm so glad you alll do that too, group hug, I am not alone <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I may go one step farther though, I buy new sheets like every other month, I hate it when they get "pilled" or if I start to detect they do not look brand new, even after I wash them, it's time for new sheets! and I can't sleep in a messy room either.

On a semi-gross habit, when I'm nervous I bite the inside of my cheek, when I was in the hospital as a kid a student doc noticed the inside of my mouth and went cuckoo because he thought I had some other dreaded condition affecting my mouth and he wanted to run like a hundred test. It was really quite entertaining, my nurse finally clued him onto my little bad.

Ugh SeanDavis, you almost made me lose my breakfast at my desk! Where's your fiancee, does she ever logon here, I think she may need a support system more than you, having to put up with your toenail thing...ick I can't even think about it.

Since skin has been brought up, does anyone else have issues with the palms of their hands? Mine are strange, I find i have to exfoliate them more than most people.


New member
I hate to admit this to all you perfect strangers, but I am in my thirties and I still suck my thumb!!! It's a habit ive had since I was born. The funny part is, when i was about 12 years old, my dentist tried to get me to stop. So my mother tried the reward system. She bought be a calander and for each day that i didn't suck my thumb i got a sticker on that day of the month. If i went a whole month w/o sucking my thumb i would get ANY prize i wanted. Well, i got about 2 or 3 prizes out of the deal until my mother thought i had kicked the habit. But little did she know that i never stopped, i just waited until i went to bed at night to pop it back in. Needless to say, im still sucking my thumb 20 some years later. And Yes......i still have a blankey too!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">


New member
this topic is proof that all CF'ers are so pre occupied with our condition of which we have no control over that we find things to make "perfect" --- some people have to fix the sofa cushions or the bed sheets, i am obsessed with working out at the gym and making my physical appearance my #1 priority. My ex girlfriend said it 3 years ago that bc of CF that i am obsessed with finding something to control in my life.

she had me pegged.


Eh this is just proof we're neuorotic as everybody else in my opinion.
The whole world is insane, I'm just along for the ride.
Personal opinion though.


New member
to the anonymous above...don't be too embarassed, i'm way to old to be doing it but i still have an affinity for my thumb as well. Trying to quick sucking your thumb is probably as hard or harder than quitting smoking for some!! Probably not the best bad habit to have as a CF'r considering the germs that can get on your hands...gotta keep working on this one.

I also twist my hair and squish the ends of my hair between my thumb and index finger, talk about split ends.

Haha, this topic is hysterical, even to get myself thinking about all my bad habits. Hey, everyone has issues.


New member
I must say I am very amused at all. when I was growing up, I remember becoming very obsessed with the sheets at times and did not like the maid making my bed. I insisted on fitted sheets. When I moved out on my own when I went to college, I was so busy with other things this concern with the bed disappeared. Maybe because I lost my virginity lol I seem neat but not obsessive. I was more obsessed on how my lungs sound. I did extra therapies all the years and would do double therapies before a date so I would avoid coughing. Then when I became older, I would have one of my boyfriends learn the therapy. IT was a test I guess. I use to bite my nails but stopped that. Worrying sometimes but keep busy and I would forget what bothers me. When I was really little, I would play coodie games and gave coodie shots to friends. Pretty funny but these little games were a lot of fun. Don't step on the crack or you will need a coodie shot. I do believe folks who get into this funny behavious can grow up with serious behaviours. I use to go to this ENT doctor and every time he would examine me he had to touch his nose first. That is definitely an OCD behaviour. I believe many people have strange habits for whatever reason but some know how to control them better than others. When I use to run every day, sometimes I would say to myself so when are you going to stop. That was the negative side of me and for years I remember having these negative thoughts once in a while. They always came about when i was achieving a goal. I did not know how to stop those nagging thoughts. I should have given myself a coodie shot right there and then. Now a days, I just focus on the positive if I hear a negative thought and the stupid thought goes.

A friend who almost became a doctor told me she has OCD and it sounds pretty scary. She explained how it controlled her life. She would come into my home and put her purse down on the floor in a weird spot and told me why she placed it there. She told me she felt her OCD was like being controlled by this wild monkey inside her. I feel mean to say this but I stopped being friends with her. She also tried flirting with m boyfriend so I was not all that mean lol She finally got the message.

I think if you have to become obsessive it is great to pick a clean habit like eating health food bars and working out like Arnold


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I like to put the air compressor hose in my ear. Just a little until it makes a vibrating effect that feels heavenly. It drives my husband crazy because he thinks it's making me go deaf. I went and got my hearing checked and I have perfect hearing. The ENT said it was fine that air won't hurt anything in my ear. Interestingly, he told me that my husband probably doesn't look at me and project his voice well enough and this is why I only have trouble hearing him sometimes. I've asked 3 CF doctors over the years (as I've been doing this for quite sometime) and none of them minded that I do this either. Funny each time I thought they'd really scold me. Does anyone else have this habit/addiction? Okay now that I've admitted something embarassing - others should fess up.

I also fuss/pick at my nails, so does my mom.

I have a chiropractic habit, but that one I've convinced myself is okay. I really am healthier with regular adjustments.

I sometimes also show OCD tendancies (like washing my hands too much, counting/math games, holding breath) but it's not to the level of being OCD a lot of it is games. Luckily I seemed to have grown out of most of it during my teen years.


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lilith</b></i><br>

I'm very OCD, too. For instance, when I eat a candy like M&M's or Sweet Tarts, I have to eat one of each color in the order of brightest to darkest. I have to be organized all the time. Even my comp gets defragmented at least once a week! All my movies and CDs and games are in alphabetical order, and everything has to be neat and tidy before I go to bed. I will not sleep in a messy room.

LOL wow we are all insane, but so far I guess I win the gross prize. The showing off the LUNG OYSTER to others in the mouth and then swallowing it would probably rank very high on the disgust factor with other people though. As for lilith, hahaha I would LOVE to drive you crazy with your OCD. I'd purposely mix up your candy and take away all of one color of M&M or sweet tarts and pretend like I didn't do anything, purposely rearange the cushions just to freak you out, totally rearange your PC's shortcuts (I bet they are in some ultra anal order too?), put your cd's and books in total random order...Oh my god i'd have such a blast driving you insane!


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When I walk past our fridge, I have to open it and check out what is on each shelf. It doesn't matter if I looked in there 1 minute before I have to look. For example, I walk past it to go to my dinning, I look in, then on the way back through I have to look again. I probably look in there at least 30 times a day.


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>EB24</b></i><br>When I walk past our fridge, I have to open it and check out what is on each shelf. It doesn't matter if I looked in there 1 minute before I have to look. For example, I walk past it to go to my dinning, I look in, then on the way back through I have to look again. I probably look in there at least 30 times a day.<hr></blockquote>

I bet that all stems from a parent telling you when you were young "Ya know sometimes the magical fridge gnomes don't always remember to flick the light switch back on after you open the fridge, you should check on them to see if they are doing their jobs sometime".

I used to tell my little niece all kinds of funny things when she was real young. That's half the fun of having young kids around you, the amazing amount of funny BS you can feed them.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>That's half the fun of having young kids around you, the amazing amount of funny BS you can feed them. <hr></blockquote>

that reminds me of this one time. I took Ahava to the park, and Ry stayed home. When we got back, there were white feathers and glitter everywhere in the kitchen, and a knife covered in glitter on the table. Ahava and I were wondering what was going on when Ry turned to us and said " Anyone want fresh Angel food cake?" Ahava looked HORRIFIED. It was awesome.


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Allie</b></i><br><blockquote>Quote
<hr>That's half the fun of having young kids around you, the amazing amount of funny BS you can feed them. <hr></blockquote>

that reminds me of this one time. I took Ahava to the park, and Ry stayed home. When we got back, there were white feathers and glitter everywhere in the kitchen, and a knife covered in glitter on the table. Ahava and I were wondering what was going on when Ry turned to us and said " Anyone want fresh Angel food cake?" Ahava looked HORRIFIED. It was awesome.<hr></blockquote>

That is totally awesome. Too bad Ry didn't have some fresh bloody raw beef laying on the counter bleeding everywhere and covered in feathers and glitter, he coulda been like "Those darned angels, I told em I was atheist and to go away, but they kept pushing! How do we cook them hun?". That would have probably been way too mentally scarring for Ahava though.


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I am definitely a control freak. My medicinal supply is lined up neatly. The laundry has to be folded a certain way & I justify that by saying it wont fit into the drawer otherwise. I put the grocery bags in the car a certain way so if I dont feel up to taking it all in at once I can at least get the cold/frozen foods done. Hubby & I got into an argument about that one when he went shopping with me last time. I am a neat freak....everything in my house has a spot & there is a spot for everything. It isnt necessarily clean, but definitely tidy.I was like that as a kid also. My bedroom was ALWAYS the neatest room in the house. I have to mow the lawn a certain way & bite my toungue really hard when hubby does it. Gross stuff.....ok I LOVE the smell of skunk (as does my sister) & am not afraid to admit it. Now if I have a good farting marathon happening & there is a certain oder to them compared to usual & its appealing to the nose I will fan the smell TO me to get a good nose full! This one my hubby appreciates.....nothing like a good poop! Not too hard, not too smelly, but also not to soft......just right....makes it all worthwhile!


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Bad habits, gosh I have so many! I pick at my finger nails, twirl my hair, bounce my leg. But my #1 worst habit is cracking my nuckles! I dont think I could stop that for the world!

Anyways thats just a few!!