What are Vests?


New member
My question might sound dumb, but can anyone tell me what Vests are and What they do. I live in Australia and have never come across them, yet in sooo many of your emails, you all talk about these vests. I would appreciate any information you can give me on them.
rgds Paula mom
11 girl w/cf email address conash@smartchat.net.au


New member
My question might sound dumb, but can anyone tell me what Vests are and What they do. I live in Australia and have never come across them, yet in sooo many of your emails, you all talk about these vests. I would appreciate any information you can give me on them.
rgds Paula mom
11 girl w/cf email address conash@smartchat.net.au


New member
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://thevest.com">check out this webiste, it gives lots of info. about it!</a>


New member
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://thevest.com">check out this webiste, it gives lots of info. about it!</a>


New member
Thanks for giving me that address. I did email them and the Vests are not available yet in Australia due to our medical regulations. I was also talking to my daughters physio when she was in hospital last week and as far as she is concern the Aussie Physio's wont be recommending it to be sold here. She stated that breathing techniques are just as good and cost less. Thats another thing the cost of them. But if I go to the states I can buy one as long as I have a perscription for one. Trouble is when I asked Ash's doctor about them he said he hadnt heard of them ( so not much chance of getting a script for one) as he said he would need to have evidence that it works etc. I have offered for the company to use my daughter if they need to do any clinical trails here in Oz but unless I win lotto I dont think I will be getting one any time soon.
I have been blabbing enough - again tks


New member
Vests are this thing that is bascily, well, a vest you wear that vibrates(it's fun for kids) and loosens the mucus in a CF patient's lungs. Note: If you have a lot of mucus, be prepared to cough it up.


New member
My daughter has had a vest for 3 years now.. She is now 12 years old. Besides the physical benefits, it really helps her feel she has control of her treatments. It's a treatment that she can do herself and not have to rely on some one to help her.


New member
My 5 year just started the vest this summer. The first drs visit after using the vest, we were told that his lung capacity was the best it has ever been. He still fights us about doing it, but it is so much better for him and us. It basically looks like a life preserver, and vibrates when you use it. It is expensive so make sure your insurance will cover it.